• I noticed, the image compression function only works for image size that exceed the maximum size we set. It won’t compress the image that below it.

    The problem is :
    – I set the maximum width 758px and 70 for quality
    – image size to upload : 1.(759px and 200kb) – 2.(757 and 198kb)

    Result after upload
    – image 1 – 758px and 33kb
    – image 2 – 757px and 198kb

    It doesn’t make sense right ?

    View post on imgur.com


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  • I haven’t used the plugin yet, but I’m also curious about the answer to his question. Does the plugin not compress images that are smaller than the max dimensions?

    No, it doesn’t. I tested the plugin and it only compresses the images which are bigger than the established pixels limits. So, if a user “not so lay” decide to do the right thing, uploading a previously reduced image, in terms of pixel, the result is worse than if he didn’t do anything: the plugin simply will not compress this semi-optimized image.

    So, if you want to use this plugin, you must always upload very big image files to your site. Don’t dare to implement good practices of image upload: the result, as explained before, will be worse than if you decide to adopt bad practices all the time.

    This is bizarre, but is the way the developer think the plugin should work (so far). I hope someday someone succeeds to persuade him to change his mind.

    I agree.
    Imsanity should allow to compress all original images, even if they don’t exceed the max dimensions.



    As I understand it, Imsanity does it’s thing before it hands the file off to wordpress. So, here is my suggestion. Consider this:

    Uploaded file within parameters is caught by Imsanity
    File is compressed with Im’s settings (let’s say 70)
    File is then handed to WP for further processing using WP media settings with WP’s compression setting.

    If I am correct about IM’s workflow (just started using this plugin) then you can use this filter in your functions or plugin to alter WP’s own compression settings.

    add_filter( 'jpeg_quality', create_function( '', 'return 70;' ) );

    Now, I assume between the two settings you’re covered with IM handling initial image caught by parameters and WP handling the rest with that setting. Perhaps the dev can confirm.

    Hope this helps ??




    Forgot to mention that in that scenario some files will be “double” compressed and might suffer some real quality loss. I suggest perhaps to keep IM’s setting in the 80+ range and crush with WP down to like 60 depending on your goals. That would be perfect for like a buddypress activity stream to reduce image uploads from users.


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