• Resolved tiotrom


    Would be super cool if the embed function for playlists could display a second option: embed the entire playlist or the current video. Cheers!

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  • Hi Tio,

    Thanks for the suggestion.

    You mentioned you’d had difficulty setting up a support account at https://foliovision.com/support

    I’d like to explore this issue as I see you have valuable input but we don’t deal with feature requests or advanced support issues on www.remarpro.com.

    Thanks for being part of Foliovision! Alec

    Thread Starter tiotrom


    Ok I just made another post – I cloned this one. I can’t see it on your forum. If it is held for moderation maybe you should use a popup message after a user posts a thread, making them aware of it. Cheers!

    Hi Tio,

    Thanks for reposting. We use bbPress for our own forums and I see there are some issues with sorting of new posts. Looks like one of the WordPress updates or another plugin is interfering.

    I’ve found your user and now tracked down your posting. For some reason Cleantalk API decided that either your email address or your IP address has something in common with a spammer (maybe your using a VPN) and hence your topics have gone straight to spam.

    Here’s the direct link: https://foliovision.com/support/fv-wordpress-flowplayer/requests-and-feedback/suggestion-embed-player-or-playlist

    Thanks for helping me troubleshoot this issue. I’ve been through about a hundred spam topics and they are all for Chinese or Belorussian women posts so Cleantalk does seem to be working correctly most of the time.

    Thread Starter tiotrom


    Ok great! Yes I am behind a VPN. I use Private Internet Access.

    Thread Starter tiotrom


    So you know I am having difficulties replying too. I think my messages go to spam because of the VPN. I highly recommend you add a captcha. Many people are using a VPN nowadays and are wrongly identified as spam-bots. Cheers!

    Hi Tio,

    Thanks for letting me know about the ongoing issues due to PIA use. Lots of people are using VPN services these days and more and more websites are blocking VPN users. A bit of a vicious cycle. The spammers love VPN as well.

    I’ll figure something out though next week and let you know.

    It’s crazy that we’re making it so hard for you to contribute to our plugin (not our intention but currently the results).

    Thread Starter tiotrom


    I posted a reply here https://foliovision.com/support/fv-wordpress-flowplayer/requests-and-feedback/suggestion-embed-player-or-playlist#post-86145 but again it was blocked…makes it very difficult for me to contribute on foliovision. Please let me know when you fix this issue and I will ?? – Thanks!

    Tio is able to post freely at Foliovision.com. The new anti-spam system doesn’t pick up VPN’s any more. There were only about five people affected in two years but we’re really happy to have solved the issue.

    Thread Starter tiotrom


    Hi there. I posted about 4 months ago on the forum and teh comment is still waiting for moderation. I posted again now. I want to know how is the progress with this one. Cheers!

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