• Hello,

    For your information, in a Multisite Network environnement, I just hardcode this in class-fee.php.

    function post_thumbnail_html( $html, $post_id, $post_thumbnail_id, $size, $attr ) {
    		if (
    			is_main_query() &&
    			in_the_loop() &&
    			get_queried_object_id() === $post_id &&
    			$this->did_action( 'wp_head' )
    		) {
    			return (
    				<div class="fee-thumbnail' . ( empty( $html ) ? ' fee-empty' : '' ) . '" data-size="' . esc_attr( $size ) . '">' .
    /********* I added this : ************/
    <div class="fee-insert-thumbnail wp-core-ui"
    style="box-shadow: 0 1px 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,.1); border-left: 4px solid #7ad03a;
    background-color:#FFF; padding:10px 15px; color: #444; position: absolute;
    opacity:1; top: -40px;font-size: 13px; width: 90%;margin: 2px auto 0px auto;">
    ' . __( '<strong style="font-size: 13px; color:#444;">You are now in the edition
    mode</strong>. Click inside the content container to write and edit content.' ) . '
    /********* End of my customization ************/
    					<div class="fee-thumbnail-wrap">' .
    						$html .
    					'</div>' .
    					'<div class="fee-thumbnail-toolbar wp-core-ui">' .
    						'<div class="fee-edit-thumbnail dashicons dashicons-edit"></div>' .
    						'<div class="fee-remove-thumbnail dashicons dashicons-no-alt"></div>' .
    					'</div>' .
    					'<div class="fee-insert-thumbnail wp-core-ui"><span class="dashicons dashicons-plus-alt"></span> ' . __( 'Add a featured image' ) . '</div>' .
    		return $html;

    You understand, my way is to give a better feedback to my multisite network users. Because, in the current version of your plugin, they don’t understand that the Edit button don’t take you to the back-end, but start your fantastic Front-End Editor.

    Maybe an idea for futur update ?


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  • Thread Starter onico0


    it looks like that

    Img : https://fr.tinypic.com/r/2lb2x49/8

    Thread Starter onico0


    Hello again,

    Another suggestion is to localize the plugin because some translation are missing such as “Add a featured image”.

    I did it just by :

    1 – adding this on the top of of _cosntruct :

    load_plugin_textdomain( 'wp-front-end-editor', false,  basename( dirname(__FILE__) ) . "/languages" );

    2 – add the domain name of the plugin handler :

    __( 'Add a featured image', 'wp-front-end-editor' )

    3 – edit .po and .mo files and put it in /languages


    Thanks !

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