Suggestion: Allow different list-style-type for each level of heading
The headings in my posts adopt a very-common labeling style:
I. A level-2 heading with upper-roman number
I.A A level-3 heading with upper-alpha number
I.A.1 A level-4 heading with decimal number
I.A.1.a A level-5 heading with lower-alpha number
I.A.1.a.α A level-6 heading with lower-greek number(I use CSS counters to achieve this, for example: “Automatic Numbering with CSS Counters.”)
(This, or similar, is what is required for example by the Chicago Manual of Style.)
I would like the TOC numbering to reflect the actual numbering of the headings in the body of the post. In other words, if my heading is II.A.3, the TOC entry should also be II.A.3 (not 2.1.3).
However, LuckyWP TOC allows only a single style (e.g., Decimal or Roman) that applies to all levels. In other words, 2.1.4 or II.I.IV, but not II.A.3.
In the options, add five pull-down menus, one for each of h2-h5, from which to choose any of the valid list-style-type property values. (E.g., upper-roman, upper-alpha, lower-roman, lower-alpha, decimal, lower-greek, etc. See .)Then I could choose:
h2: upper-roman
h3: upper-alpha
h4: decimal
h5: lower-alpha
h6: lower-greekThanks!
Adding this would make LuckyWP Table of Contents the best TOC plugin on the planet!
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