I’ve never used it and I’m not sure where I’ll have chance to look at this but I’ll consider it!
You are more than welcome to contribute: https://github.com/lukasjuhas/lj-maintenance-mode/tree/2.3dev
]]>In function ljmm_get_defaults:
case 'warning_comet_cache' :
$default = __("Important: Don't forget to flush your cache using Comet Cache when enabling or disabling Maintenance Mode.", LJMM_PLUGIN_DOMAIN);
In public function cache_plugin:
// add comet cache support
if (in_array('comet-cache/comet-cache.php', apply_filters('active_plugins', get_option('active_plugins')))) {
$message = ljmm_get_defaults('warning_comet_cache');
I’ve added this. Will be released in 2.3
]]>This has been implemented in 2.3 which I just released.