Suggestion about your widget
You seem to have created two plugins within one folder. Since you have done this, when the updated version of the second, which is the widget plugin, doesn’t get changed, there is always an update notification for that widget.
If you must have two plugins within one directory, please update the second one along with the main plugin so that the users don’t have to keep trying to update a plugin they cannot update.
You will find that your mini-membership-widget.php file is showing version:1.0.4 and there is an update notice saying that version 1.0.5 is available. However, that is not possible because once the main plugin is updated, there is no way to update the widget.
Please correct this and use more care next time. It is frustrating to have to figure out why a plugin hosted on is showing an update available but the update cannot be accomplished. And then have to go into the files to see that there are two plugins in the same directory, or so it would appear.
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