• warli


    Just a suggestion:

    $final_code .= $letters_array[ $value ];
    $final_code .= strtoupper($letters_array[ $value ]);

    This makes the code uppercase and easy to read.

    You can also use the following code generation function instead of your way. This will generate a unique ID:

    function genUniqueId( $bytes = 10) {
    return bin2hex(random_bytes($bytes));

    $final_code = genUniqueId();

    Or you could also add a setting inside you options:
    $final_code = genUniqueId( $this->sdwoo_options[ ‘code_length’ ] );

    Also, I would add the discount amount to your variables to be used inside the email:

    $discount_amount =( $this->sdwoo_options[ ‘discount_type’ ] == ‘percent’ ) ? $this->sdwoo_options[ ‘discount_amount’ ].’%’ : ‘$’$this->sdwoo_options[ ‘discount_amount’ ];

    $vars = array(
    ‘{firstname}’ => esc_html( $first_name ),
    ‘{code}’ => esc_html( $final_code ),
    ‘{discount}’ => esc_html( $discount_amount ),

    Last but not least, remove the text “simple HTML is allowed” as every HTML code is allowed and you should pre-fill it with a sample proper HTML mailing.

    You also could extend your solution to add a “redeem your code” button which automatically add the code similar to this:


    And if you are super keen, you can add a {button} to you var array which generates a redeem button based on option settings. E.g:
    <div align=”center”><!–[if mso]>
    <v:roundrect xmlns:v=”urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml” xmlns:w=”urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:word” href=”get_home_url()/?coupon_code={code}” style=”height:50px;v-text-anchor:middle;width:200px;” arcsize=”8%” stroke=”f” fillcolor=”{button_color}”>
    <a href=”get_home_url()/?coupon_code={code}”
    <!–[if mso]>

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  • Plugin Author Scott DeLuzio


    Thanks for the awesome feedback.
    I’d love to get some of these features included. There are other projects at the moment that are demanding my attention, so I may not be able to get to these right away. If you’re able to send a pull request to the plugin on GitHub, it would definitely help move some of these features forward faster.
    Thanks again!

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