• Resolved lpint


    I currently have over 700 events in my system (from Sept 1 forward). In busy times I may have up to 20 events on a single weekend day.

    I can filter them by start date and move them to trash, but there is no filter on end date. This makes deleting past events, especially multi-day events, difficult.

    It would be nice if we could configure an option to automatically delete events with end dates more than x days ago. And configure how often and when the delete function would run: daily at hh:mm; weekly at day, hh:mm; monthly at date, hh:mm. So maybe I’d set it up to delete events that ended more than 7 days ago and run every Sunday night at 3:00 am. Even if we had to setup the cron job ourselves.

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by lpint.
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  • Plugin Support EventPrime Support



    Thanks for your suggestions.

    We have added this in our future pipeline. We will update you on this.

    Thread Starter lpint


    FYI: I am now using PublishPress Future to handle this for me. It, for the most part, is working. There do seem to be some interaction problems between PublishPress Future and EventPrime. I think the combination of the two is causing a couple of the problems I am having.

    The first is the issue of repeated events (using custom dates, at least) being created in draft status. I’m pretty sure that’s some bad interaction between the two plugins.

    The second issue is that when I try to edit an event series, two improper things happen. First is that, even though the repeat events custom dates are shown in the repeat tab, The original event is the only one that get recreated. The repeat events are deleted (as normal) bu then not recreated. If I go back into the original event again, there are now no repeat custom dates. It I add the dates back in and update, all events are created as expected.

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