• I love the Sugar & Spice theme, and would like to work with the theme fonts and colors. I want my home page to look like the theme page, is it possible to use the same lovely peach font color in my titles as well as the Sugar & Spice Header font? How would I be able to find out what the theme font is and the code for the peach and emerald? Thank you!

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  • Thread Starter fleurette


    I did find this in my front page source:

    <body data-rsssl=1 class=”home page-template-default page page-id-3582 logged-in admin-bar no-customize-support custom-background siteorigin-panels siteorigin-panels-before-js siteorigin-panels-home”>
    <div id=”page” class=”hfeed site”>
    <header id=”header” class=”site-header” role=”banner”>
    <div class=”site-branding”>

    Is this what I am looking for? Is till get the red x though saying it is not detected in my front page, but I do have a green lock.

    Thread Starter fleurette


    Hello again,

    may I ask you, did you enable the .htaccess redirect in the settings? Mine is not enabled but I am afraid to do so regarding the possible loop. I am just not comfortable with fiddling with the htaccess file.

    Thank you very kindly again

    Thread Starter fleurette


    Hello again,

    may I ask you, how can I display my SSL certificate seal? There is a code to add it to the Footer, but I’d rather not enter anything in the styelsheet of Editor. Is it possible to do that in custom CSS for all pages? There are 2 seals I can add.
    You gave such wonderful help with the custom css, which helped me a great deal in creating my site! I would be so thankful for your advice again.
    Thank you very kindly.

    They probably gave you some JavaScript, something that looks like this:

    <span id="siteseal"><script async type="text/javascript" src="https://seal.godaddy.com/getSeal?sealID=..."></script></span>

    So because it’s JavaScript, you can’t add it to a CSS file. Depending upon where you want the seal to be displayed, you would have to edit one of the .PHP files. I can’t remember if you created a child theme of Sugar & Spice or not, but you are correct, you shouldn’t go to Appearance → Editor and make any changes to the theme files. If the theme ever gets updated, then your changes will be lost. If you wanted to display the seal in the footer, then the best way to do it is to first create a child theme and make a change to a copy of the footer.php file.

    I don’t know if your site contains a sidebar, but the easiest way to display the seal, without creating a child theme, is to add a text widget to your sidebar, and then copy & paste the code into the body of the text widget. If you go to my site and scroll all the way down, you’ll see that I’ve put my seal in a text widget at the bottom of the sidebar. Clicking on the seal displays information about the certificate.

    Thread Starter fleurette


    Thank you, what a wonderful site you have! I got it where I want it instead for the position. I would like to add align right to it so that it sits on the right hand site, as I placed mine underneath the copyright in the prefooter area.

    This is the Java Script – where and how would I add the align right?

    <span id=”siteseal”><script async type=”text/javascript” src=”https://seal.godaddy.com/getSeal?sealID=GNw06wlXi0tNoWNe1TUMLK7NDaWTuJ9OmZQJtHMxiiW91bX5mFT4EOgerGLy”></script></span>&lt;!–more–>

    <script type=”text/javascript” src=”https://cdn.ywxi.net/js/1.js&#8221; async></script>

    You are right, I did not create a child theme, I still need to look into that. But that you for the wonderful guidance!

    Thread Starter fleurette


    Hello again,

    I went into view page to find any http regarding the SSL and found the following:

    body { background: url(https://cs-esterel.com/wp-content/plugins/hide-my-site/images/iris_bg.jpg) center;font-family:Arial;margin:0px;}
    #form_wrap { background: url(https://cs-esterel.com/wp-content/plugins/hide-my-site/images/login_bg_iris.png) no-repeat;display: block;margin: 0px auto;height: 300px;width: 403px; position: absolute;top: 50%;margin-top: -150px;left: 50%;margin-left: -201px; }
    #form_wrap input[type=text], .enter_password {background: url(https://cs-esterel.com/wp-content/plugins/hide-my-site/images/input_back_iris.png) no-repeat; position: absolute;top: 92px;left: 26px;
    border: 0px;
    width: 365px;
    padding-left: 20px;
    font-size: 15px;
    line-height: 15px;
    padding-top: 0px;
    color:rgb(85, 86, 90);
    How can I change these to https: I seem to be unable to find it as it is one of the themes of the Hide my site plugin. Is there a way for me to change that?

    Thread Starter fleurette



    I would like to remodel my website. Is it possible to make changes without loosing my old website design? I am mostly concerned about my widgets. I tried to make some pages private but want to avoid the message: “Oops that page cannot be found” I thought at first of getting a second domain to create a new site and make a link to my old one as portfolio, but would rather rework mine and make only the gallery with the portfolio password protected. I would be so very thankful for advice.
    Thank you

    Thread Starter fleurette



    it has been quite some time, but I would be thankful for your advice again! I found several alerts in the Wordfence scan regarding plugins etc. In the beginning when I first built my website you recommended Custom CSS Manager, and it had been working terrific. In the alert it says now: The Plugin “Custom CSS Manager” appears to be abandoned (updated June 5, 2013, tested to WP 3.5.2).
    I am concerned about this as my website is literally “made” with the custom css manager. Would you have any advice? Does it mean I need to uninstall it and create my website entirely new with something different?
    I would be very thankful for your kind help and advice.

    Thank you, Fleurette

    Hi, Fleurette. I had the same concerns as you when WordFence pointed out that Custom CSS was no longer being maintained, so I switched to a different plugin called Simple Custom CSS and JS. You should be able to copy all of the CSS from the Custom CSS plugin into the new one. Once you copy over the CSS, just deactivate and don’t delete Custom CSS until you can verify that Simple Custom CSS and JS works OK.

    Thread Starter fleurette


    thank you for replying so quickly, it is so kind! Thank you for the recommendation, it worked perfectly and was not difficult at all. I still kept custom css for now but deactivated it, it should not be a problem to keep it in the site for a while, is it?
    May I trouble with one more question? I am using Lightbox Plus Colorbox but Wordfence alerted me that it is no longer with WordPress. Would you have a recommendation what to use instead?
    Thank you again for your kind help and advice!
    warm regards,

    I am using Easy Fancybox for my lightbox plugin.

    Thread Starter fleurette


    Hello again,

    Thank you very much, I truly appreciate it!
    kind regards, Fleurette

    Thread Starter fleurette


    I am very concern about a find in Wordfence.I have a long list of attacks saying malicious file upload php, for example: wp-content/plugins/codecanyon-157782-video-gallery-wordpress-plugin-w-youtube-vimeo-/upload.php blocked by firewall for Malicious File Upload (PHP). Luckily they have been blocked but there are17 of these attacks in one day, and it frightens me to see it. Is there danger of me being hacked? If I am asking a question on I here I shouldn’t I apologize but had so kindly recommended Wordfence to me. It seems all these attacks go to wp-content, here is another example: wp-content/plugins/contus-hd-flv-player/uploadVideo.php, or wp-content/plugins/Tevolution/tmplconnector/monetize/templatic-custom_fields/single-upload.php. I don’t even have these on my site, I don’t understand at all and don’t know what to do!
    I would be so very grateful for advice!
    Thank you, Fleurette

    Hi, Fleurette. I think hackers will always try to hack into sites, particularly WordPress sites because there are so many of them out there. You would think they would only go after bigger sites, but it’s the smaller sites that they concentrate on, because usually smaller sites means it’s just one person who may not be as concerned with security as a big company, and who may not be keeping their site properly maintained.

    I don’t think there’s really a way of keeping hackers from trying to hack your site. I would say that as long as you have a security plugin like WordFence, and are keeping your site’s theme & plugins updated, that your chances of being hacked are much less than other sites.

    Thread Starter fleurette


    Hello again,
    thank you, I am glad to know. I just have one more question: are disabled plugins a vulnerability risk?
    I still kept the custom css plugin as I want to be sure the new plugin is functioning in the same way, as well as one more plugin that is no longer with WordPress. I left them disabled until I find proper replacement. Is that a risk?

    Thank you again for your kind support!

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