• I’ve been using WordPress on my own server for several months now. My blog url is https://www.malindaj.com/blog. All of a sudden this url now just shows a window to guide me through installation. FatCow is my hosting company and everything seems just fine on their end.

    Any ideas? This is maddening!


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  • Is it possible your wp-config.php file has been moved and/or deleted or your database has been reset/emptied?

    I can see your site at the moment…

    Thread Starter americanightmare


    And now it’s working. This has been sporadic on and off for the last 2 days. Has anyone else experienced this?

    I’m getting the installation page. I’m guessing it has something to do with your host. You should probably contact them. Also, back up your database in case someone tries to install so you don’t lose your work.

    Thread Starter americanightmare


    Thanks all! I have no idea because it’s fine one second, not fine the next, and then it’s fine. It’s a surprise every time I go there!

    My SQL database is fine so…I’m still at a loss! Will keep poking around.

    Thanks again!

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