sudden issues with blog I’ve had since 2006 on another person’s hosting site
First of all I have tried several of the fixes I have found here in WordPress. Unfortunately I am very out of practice and also am not the owner of the site hosting area but do have some permissions and do own the domains.
If it is acceptable I will explain my issues – thank you so much for your patience!
[ redundant link removed ] was established in approximately 2006 as a blog (where before that it was an html web site). I copied over the old sites as pages off of my blog. I established most of these pages between 2006 and 2009 I believe.
I transferred also postings I had done in livejournal between approximately 2003 and 2006 and brought them in.
I do have a complete mirror of the blog itself in
but it only goes from 2003 to 2010 so later 2010 posts up to the present are not there. However, for some reason the last 3-4 posts from 2019 are on there as being subscribed to, not sure how that happened. So there are copies of SOME of these posts.Suddenly in approximately mid January I noticed that my blog was not opening. It was saying there were two many redirects and to delete cookies. I did do that. I also notified the host owner. A friend let me store my sites on Dreamhost back in 2011. Sadly to say I didn’t pay as much attention to everything since then. I do believe everything was backing up (and still believe so) but am not sure how to find that out for sure, but most likely will be able to once I can again access my portal.
when I try to access the portal, it brings up the user name and password, and doesn’t work, doesn’t do anything. then when I try and change the password it asks me for my email or user name and I enter it, and it says it sent the email but it is never received and the screen never registers anything.
My hoster went in and tried to change the password for me, and simply says now that she has no idea what to do and I haven’t heard from her in a week. She changed my ftp settings for me and they ARE working. However, I’m nervous because I’m getting the message that it is an open connection right on the internet. She can take a long time to answer me on things, so I can’t really depend on her as an assistant with this. She was simply giving me space as a friend…
so, to continue, I have ANOTHER site. But I had let go of the domain name a long time ago. That one I pretty much quit doing back in 2011 as it was mirrored also completely on So, because there was nothing to lose, I signed back into after reactivating the domain, and lo and behold after changing my wordpress password I was able to GET IN! I could see the portal, and the site, and everything.
then about two hours later I got the same error as the [ redundant link removed ] site. That there were too many redirects, etc. That told me that there must be an issue with old coding. Since both of the blogs were established back in late 2006, 7, 8, or thereabouts, there could be some kind of error or old coding in both? I of course kept updating my hoster on what I was discovering, sending her screen shots, etc., but she has not really responded after over a week with any kind of guidance. I do pay nothing to her for hosting, so can see it is not her responsibility or priority to help me with this, nor do I expect her to. I didn’t pay enough attention for too many years and am now paying for it.
However, there is another issue in this. a few weeks before this happened, and probably right before I put my Christmas newsletter on my blog, I received this message — I think it was when I opened my portal.
I told the hoster about it, and she said “I got the notice too and have to review that.” Never heard another thing about it and I never did anything about it myself. I don’t know if that’s part of the problem.
Okay, to continue. Once I was suspicious that the old coding (and maybe this php thing above) is the issue, I decided to download an entirely new version of wordpress and try and reinstall my blog, since I didn’t care if I lost the former version. so I stumbled through that with various roadblocks that I did overcome after a few days. got ftp going, figured out where to put the wordpress install (did with fantastico that last time back in the early 2000s! so this was a different process) and got to the page where I’m supposed to put the database name, etc. So truly into a new wordpress install. I got another roadblock, however, when the system would not let me access phpadmin in order to get the user name and password for my sql databases, and I am assuming it’s because my site is not hosted by me. So I am prepared to perhaps go ahead and get a cheap hosting site just for that one and play with that, and may just do that.
But I am still faced with the issue of my main site, [ redundant link removed ], and my blog that goes back many years that I still want to save. apparently I can’t access phpadmin, or sql databases(couldn’t make a new one, assume that’s the same reason), and am not really sure where to go next to try and save my blog. Should I just get a new hosting site where I am in control of these things? She has dreamhost. I could call dreamhost, but don’t know if they’ll talk to me since I don’t own it. not sure of the best way to proceed.
I am able to edit and change files via ftp. I did disable plugins, and also went in and installed all new wp admin and wp includes files per a help file I read. I would like to figure out what theme I have but am not sure. However, since the same issue happened with BOTH domains when I was using the blogging files from the early 2000s, that tells me it’s not an issue with the theme, as my blog had a different theme.
i’m sure I could bring up more details and things I’ve tried, but if you’ve read this far down I applaud you. I really have the main questions of, do I get a new host and do myself – will that help me more to both make my new blog AND save my blog. Or can I do enough to save it with my present hoster. If I can just get into my database creation area, phpadmin, and my dashboard I can do so much more. And make sure I’m backing up!!!
thank you in advance –Dorene
The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]
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