sure thing.
for 1.2(.1) and earlier:
0. install simplePHPgallery, and set it up how you like it in a sub folder of your WP install (perhaps called “gallery?”)
0a. use the htaccess option for the application.
1. make a copy of your index.php
2. remove the loop.
2a. rename and upload this page to test it so that you are absolutely sure it will load and display correctly before you make any more changes.
3. insert the entire text of the sp_index.php in the empty space created (where the loop was.)
4. upload this into the root directory of SPG.
4a. view the file to be sure it’s working (it won’t look perfect yet, so as long as the gallery loads into your theme all is well.)
5. add the entire contents of the spg css file to your site’s css document.
5a. review these additions: you’ll notice there are some basic html modifications in the spg css which conflict with the WP css. remove the SPG duplicate tags.
6. upload the css file.
7. view the new document again, make sure it’s working.
7a. make any width, color or other adjustments to make it look exactly right for your site.
8. rename the completed/styled page sp_index.php. remove the old one (in the gallery folder) and replace it with this one.
9. you are done, and it should look, work, and match your site just like this.
and don’t forget to thank the gallery author, and donate a little something to his life? This is great work, and it’s free.
hope this sorts you out completely.