• Resolved Jan Mi?acky


    I had upgraded to WP4 and I also upgraded my theme yesterday. After that, my CF7 forms stopped showing up success messages, but I do receive e-mails.

    See here after clicking on the green button Nezavazne prihlasit https://test123.zirhamia.cz/expedice/aljaska/. Don’t mind that pics are not loading, it’s a testing site and I didn’t bother to upload images from backup.

    The CF7 form code looks like this:

    <p>Jméno<br />
        [text* jmeno] </p>
    <p>E-mail<br />
        [email* email] </p>
    <p>Telefon<br />
        [tel* telefon] </p>
    <p style="position:relative; left:-8px;">[checkbox pojisteni "Mám zájem"] o nejlep?í <a href="https://test123.zirhamia.cz/co-delame/cestovni-pojisteni-do-zahranici-ihi-bupa-online/" target="_blank">cestovní poji?tění BUPA Global Travel</a> </p>
    <p>Má? otázky nebo nám chce? něco vzkázat?<br />
        [textarea otazky x4] </p>
    <p>Kliknutím na tla?ítko Nezávazně p?ihlásit <br />
    <a href="https://test123.zirhamia.cz/souhlas-se-zpracovanim-osobnich-udaju/" target="_blank">souhlasí? se zpracováním a uchováním</a><br />
    vy?e uvedenych osobních údaj?</p>
    <p>[submit "Nezávazně p?ihlásit"]</p>

    Any ideas how to fix this? It’s crucial for my business, because this is how people purchase my services.

    Thank you,


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  • You appear to have a JavaScript conflict associated with your pop-up. This will usually be with either your current WordPress theme or one of the other plugins you are using – see Contact Form 7 Email Issues – there is a link there that covers JavaScript Conflicts.

    Thread Starter Jan Mi?acky


    Thank you buzztone, I’ll look into that. Btw, I received both of your e-mails.

    UPDATE: Actually, I checked now with a non-popup form and the success message doesn’t show up anyway.

    UPDATE 2: I switched to 2014 theme and the spinning arrows are shown for a long time (like 10 seconds) and then they disappear and no success message is shown.


    I had the same issue. All other message would show up EXCEPT the Success message.

    I am also using Really Simple Captcha and Email Verification (now broken, sends the message before verifications). Tried disabling all the other plugin. Same result.

    Ended up backup the CF7 forms. Deleting CF7 and Re-Installing it. Re-created the Forms and it now shows the Success message.

    Hope this might help you.


    Thread Starter Jan Mi?acky


    Hello mkan,
    thank you for your input! That sounds terrible, because I’m using around 30 different forms.. but I guess I’ll give it a try and see. I’ll post here my findings as soon as I find some time to test it.


    Thread Starter Jan Mi?acky


    so I tried to switch to default WP theme 2014, to disable all other plugins than Contact Form 7 and the success message doesn’t show up either way. I even completely deleted CF7 and reinstalled it a I also tried to use other browser with clear cache, but nothing has helped me so far.

    That’s getting really weird at this point.. Any other ideas?

    UPDATE: What’s interesting is that it doesn’t show a success message, but it can show the message that the input data are valid (from example when I enter “asdfg” as phone number). So it seems that Javascript might be okay.. I’d really appreciate any kind of help on this one.

    I’m dealing with the same error. I tried uninstalling the CF7 and reinstalling it but the same behaviour.
    I have another site identically but in other language, and in this the CF7 is working well.

    UPDATE: in CF7 “Aditional Setting”, any code inserted doesn’t work.
    I have this code below to tracking as event and then redirect to a thanks page, but nothing happen. In the other site this work fine.

    on_sent_ok: "ga('send', 'event', { eventCategory: 'Contact Form', eventAction: 'Spanish Contact Form', eventLabel: 'CF7', eventValue: 1 }) "
    on_sent_ok: "location = 'https://somedomain.com';"

    RE: What’s interesting is that it doesn’t show a success message, but it can show the message that the input data are valid (from example when I enter “asdfg” as phone number). So it seems that Javascript might be okay

    This is very common with JavaScript Conflicts. Indeed I often deliberately submit?? forms with validation errors to start to pin-point where a JavaScript Conflict is occurring. Your conclusion is invalid.

    ??When I originally tested your site a found that a CF7 form not in a pop-up worked correctly and showed the green success message.

    When I tested the form inside the pop-up and got no success message I suspected this was due to JavaScript operating the pop-up that caused the problem.

    @rockdriguez – As per the Forum Welcome, please post your own topic.

    Posting in an existing topic and taking over the original posters question is generally considered inappropriate.

    Added to which, your problem – despite any similarity in symptoms – is likely to be completely different.

    Thread Starter Jan Mi?acky


    Hello buzztone,
    I thought so as well that the cause is Fancybox plugin, but it’s not. I put the same form right on the page and it still doesn’t show the success message.

    I really have no idea why it’s not working. It seems not to be theme or plugin related.

    RE: I put the same form right on the page and it still doesn’t show the success message.

    ??Did you test the form on this page with the Fancybox plugin de-activated.

    Thread Starter Jan Mi?acky


    Buzztone, I did try that. It’s de-activated right now. That doesn’t change anything, unfortunately.

    The same here, WP 4.1 + twentyfourteen + only CF7 active + very simple contact form (no other JS, no popup, no additional setting).
    (For unknown reason, I posted already this message this morning, but is not displayed ?)
    Thanks for help !

    @jan Mi?acky

    I had a look at the page in question again. You still have a large amount of Javascript running on that page.
    You will need to disable, temporarily, ALL Javascript, other than that from CF7, including anything in your theme, if you actually want to get to the source of the problem.

    If doing that solves the problem, you can then add back each item, until you find the real cause of the problem.
    ?Alternatively you can stop Contact Form 7 loading any JavaScript as follows:

    When the value of WPCF7_LOAD_JS is set to false (default: true), Contact Form 7 does not load the JavaScript. You can set the value of this constant in your wp-config.php like this:

    define('WPCF7_LOAD_JS', false);

    See https://contactform7.com/loading-javascript-and-stylesheet-only-when-it-is-necessary/

    You will lose all of CF7’s Javascript functionality and of course the real cause is the theme or other plugin which I would definately regard as poorly written and avoid using.

    Thread Starter Jan Mi?acky


    Thanks a lot buzztone was your help, but it’s still not working. I disabled Javascript in the theme, so now it’s just WordPress default JS and Contact Form 7 JS. It still doesn’t work well.

    I also tried disabling Javascript in wp-config.php but to be honest it didn’t change a thing.. And it looks that Javascript is still loading. Phone validation message box also showed up.

    Currently, it’s with JS disabled in wp-config.php and all theme Javascript disabled.

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