Hello ,
Thanks for pointing out the issue,
We have checked your mentioned concern and yes it is fatal error and we are working on it and we release the update of event plugin as soon as possible. For now your make the below code change to fix this issue.
- firstly go to your plugin folder and open
/event-tickets-manager-for-woocommerce/event-tickets-manager-for-woocommerce.php file .
2. then on line number 538 replace the existing code i.e add_action( ‘admin_notices’, ‘wps_sfw_banner_notification_html’ ); with this new code. add_action( ‘admin_notices’, ‘wps_etmfw_banner_notification_html’ );
3. then on line number 544 replace the existing function name function wps_sfw_banner_notification_html()? with new function name function wps_etmfw_banner_notification_html()