• Resolved imbeautyadmin


    contact summited via this form is not shown in MailChimp.
    Log record says it is Successfully subscribed.
    double op-in is off, recapcha is also off.
    In the MailChimp List it shows 0 subscriber. when I go to mailchimp to search for the subscriber there is no record

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Contributor Lap


    Note that the double opt-in setting in your Mailchimp account is ignored, for our forms that setting is in your WordPress admin under MC4WP > Form > Settings. It it turned off there?

    When the log shows success, we got confirmation from Mailchimp that the subscriber is received, from there it is out of our hands.

    I did notice that sometimes Mailchimp is slow to update totals, so it might be that the subscriber is there and visible in the audience, but the total still shows 0?

    Hope that helps. If you have any questions, please let me know!

    Thread Starter imbeautyadmin


    I found that the subscriber info goes to the wrong list in mailchimp, is there anything I can do to fix it?

    Plugin Contributor Lap


    You set the list/audience the form subscribed to under MC4WP > Form > Settings.
    But in this case, you’ve added list/audience choice to the form itself, that that will overwrite the setting for the form. So the subscriber should go to whatever list they selected in the form. Is that what is happening on your site?

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