Subscriber users can't see their profile
Hi, i have a wordpress site where i want to activate subscriber users registration. Registration is possible, but when the user is already registered he can’t access his profile. You can see what i say logging with next info:
user: [deleted]
password: [deleted]Message is in spanish but it says somthing like “You don’t have enough privileges to access this page”
I have tried to deactivate plugins and see what happens and to swap the theme, but it wasn’t a problem involving themes or plugins… i have read also this, but it’s too old and i don’t want to give it a try, smells dangerous…
And another question, when i update wordpress, will i loose these changes?
And what about the information from the plugins? Should i make a backup of something?
If they’re all set up on then they’ll be just fine ??
Your admin page will remain but everyone will see as your site.
I know i have to look on I swear that i check this info before writing here (and i re-read what i write before posting), but i don’t get it… well, now i’m getting a litle bit more ??
Sorry, but there are somethings i don’t get:
1) So first, i have to install, activate and configure the plugins i have on root on (wp), before doing anything else?
2) You said:
So or whatever would be a clean site. Then I’d export all my content from and import it to my new site, add users and, if that works, use the giving WP it’s own directory trick.
Before doing that thing of moving files between directories, i have to export my content from root to wp, no? Plugins info that not work with custom fields will not be exported, no? I will loose it…
3) After installing, activating and configuring the plugins i have to Copy (NOT MOVE!) the index.php and .htaccess files from the (wp) directory into the root directory of my site, it means i will OVERWRITE root index.php and .htacccess, no? So will happen with wp-config.php
4) In the future when i have to update wordpress, will i loose the changes i’m going to make? I mean, Will the update owerwrite the index.php file that (will) says
5) ok, i’m getting it… so, before tricking i will see if my site works on, and then if it works i will make the trick and the frontend will be at the root and the admin panel at (wp)… i see light at the end of the tunnel! ??
I know, I’m a pain in the ass ?? it’s just i don’t want mess things…
You’re not a pain ??
The whole idea is that is a fresh install, clean, with the same theme and plugins you have on
Then I’d export all my content from and import it to my new site, add users and, if that works, use the giving WP it’s own directory trick.
Remember when I said that? You really do export the content from the original site and import to the new one.
You’re rebuilding the site in a new folder, and you want it to be exactly like the original, only with the ability for users to work ??
So we can totally do this one step at a time.
Step 1) Build the new WP site (done)
Step 2) Can you add users etc? (yes!)
Step 3) Import content
Step 4) Copy over the themes and plugins
Step 5) Give WP it’s own directoryBut we’re on #3, so lets do that first.
Ok, i go for it… just one thing: i didn’t like the folder to be (wp) so i have changed it to (a):
I have changed the WordPress URL and the site URL from (wp) to (7a)… and then i have changed the name of the folder via ftp… and it works! Is that correct or I should install a wordpress again in a folder called (a)?
Now i’m going for the step 3!
No one but you will know about the /a/ stuff ??
You did the change correctly!
you will know about the /a/ stuff ??
I didn’t get this… ?? but neverminds, because you said the change is correct! I’m going for the the step 3.
Everything done:
1) Categories ID’s have been changed, so as i was using query for some categories ID’s on the theme now they don’t show properly.2) The media library doesn’t work properly… you can see it here. I can’t select or deselect all files and the screen options tab does not work, as help tab. (Sin adjuntar) means that the file is not attached to any post.
3) thumbnails images are lost, this is because no image has been attached to any post…
And i don’t know what else, but probably there should be more issues….
Now i’m going to delete the index.php from /a/ installation for not messing with the search engines… as it will not be shown if i delete it, no?
I will probably have to reinstall it again,no? Or what? i don’t know what else to do… how could i fix the database without doing the
Good morning! (well i woke up a few hours ago but just for say something…) ?? I’ve been looking at my database and I’ve seen as you said:
I noticed your database has two sets of WP tables in it, but only one _users and _usermeta tables. Did you at one point have two WordPress installs using the same user tables?
Now i remember. Once, about 3 years ago, i installed a blog and as i wanted it to be part of the same network, sharing users, i did the installation in the same database. So i have the following tables:
wp_usersI could delete tables comencing with blogb_ and see what happens, no? I don’t think it will solve the problem of the subscriber users, but it will optimize the database a litlle bit, no? At least no harm will be done, i guesss….
Hi, it’s so late… i’ve been working for a few hours now… i just wanted to say that i deleted all the tables comencing by blogb_ and nothing happened. Subscribers can not see their profile yet… i did this trying to repair the database, but still the same… i will investigate more tomorrow to see if i can fix it… if i find a solution i will post it here… good night!
Usually I check in on the weekends to see if everything’s okay. This weekend I got sick (sinus infections ain’t fun!)
Leave your databases alone for now, Lucas, you will get into trouble trying to do everything at the same time, okay? ??
Take these things step by step.
If you want to delete /a/ you can, but if you do, you may want to start it over again to see if, on a CLEAN install with no plugins added you get the same problem. You have a lot of things going on, so you have to pick ONE thing to work on at a time ??
?? i hope you are fine now! Yeah, i know…i just don’t know how to stop doing a thousand things at the same time… i have to rethink what the way i work ?? i will try to do it again in a few days (now i have some real work to do) to see if i can export properly all the content from one site to another. Thanks a lot Mika!
i just don’t know how to stop doing a thousand things at the same time
Sure you do ?? You used to do it all the time as a kid. I know you can do this!
Take a deep breath. Look at the steps. Do each one, in order, patiently. If things break on a step, STOP. That means there’s a problem. Come back and tell us where things are.
1) Install a clean version of WP (we already know this ‘fixes’ the subscriber login issues)
2) Export content from the current WP and import into your new one. When you do this, check the box to import media too ??
3) Test images. They okay? Can you edit etc?
4) Install the themes and plugins, configure to your heart’s delight.I did it! Well, not me… ?? i used a script for upgrading the database… First i saw how to force a database upgrade. But it was really scary for me… so i looked for something to do it on its own, and i foun it here!
Everything looks to be working properly… if something goes wrong i will write again!
Thanks for the help anyway Mika!
High fives! ??
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