From the FAQs:
How do I make use of the new option to AJAXify the form?
The first thing you will need to do is visit the options page and enable the AJAX setting where it says “Enable AJAX style subscription form?”, this will load the necessary javascript onto your WordPress site.
Next you need to decide if you want the link to be on a WordPress page or in your Sidebar with the Widget.
For a WordPress page you use the normal Subscribe2 token but add a ‘link’ parameter with the text you’d like your users to click, so something like:
[subscribe2 link=”Click Here to Subscribe”]
For Sidebar users, visit the Widgets page and look in the Subscribe2 Widget, there is a new option at the bottom called “Show as link”. If you choose this a link will be placed in your sidebar that displays the form when clicked.
In either case, if your end users have javascript disabled in their browser the link will sinply take them through to the subscription page you are recommended to create at step 7 of the install instructions.