Hi phil1ooo,
To allow users to submit page or post to your site, you’ll need the Post Submissions addon. This is available with the Pro license or higher.
By default, you can map the fields on your forms to the post’s title, post content, post excerpt, post type, featured image, post status and author.
If you’d like to map additional form fields to a post, such as multiple image file uploads, you’ll need to add custom fields to your WordPress posts to receive those information from the form.
Then, in the form’s Post Submission settings you can map the form fields to the post’s custom fields using the Custom Post Meta fields.
To display additional fields in the published post, your site theme will need to have the ability (or be customized) to display the custom fields.
While we aren’t able to provide support for setting up custom fields and your theme display functions, we have an example of this in our guide how to use custom fields.
Hope this helps! If you’ve any further pre-sales questions, please feel free to reach out to us on our email channel.