Mikerayjones, thank you for your feedback.
We currently do not offer either option to restrict file uploads by size and/or type. We like this feature however and will likely push it out as an option in one of the next versions.
As for your second question, the simplest way to solve your request would be to add the following css to your theme’s style sheet:
.planso-form-builder .form-group label{
font-size: 12px;
.planso-form-builder .form-group textarea,
.planso-form-builder .form-group input[type="text"],
.planso-form-builder .form-group input[type="number"],
.planso-form-builder .form-group input[type="search"],
.planso-form-builder .form-group input[type="email"],
.planso-form-builder .form-group input[type="tel"],
.planso-form-builder .form-group input[type="url"],
.planso-form-builder .form-group input[type="time"],
.planso-form-builder .form-group input[type="date"],
.planso-form-builder .form-group input[type="datetime"],
.planso-form-builder .form-group input[type="datetime-local"],
.planso-form-builder .form-group input[type="month"],
.planso-form-builder .form-group input[type="week"] {
font-size: 12px;
You can change the size by altering the value after font-size – here 12px.
If this solves your question it would be nice if you would mark this thread as ‘resolved’.