Submit Feature Requests Here
Greetings Everyone:
Thank you for choosing to use this plugin!
In order to organize the support forums, please post your feature requests in this topic only. This will allow me to more quickly go through the requests and keep them organized and leave the rest of the forum for support related issues.
Best Regards
Minus the DB thing, i wasn’t looking thoroughly enough ??
Greetings Flatlinezor:
Thank you for considering to use this plugin!
If you didn’t have the submit button, how would the user submit the quiz? Do you want it to automatically submit once the user answered the last question?
I will take a look into the Achievements V3 support; however, BadgeOS has almost 4 times the amount of market share for the badge/achievement WordPress plugin market. Therefore, I will have to analyze the two of them to see which to integrate or possibly integrate with both.
Yes, we utilize database tables. The main tables are mlw_quizzes, mlw_questions, and mlw_results.
For the leaderboards, I will look into some options to create the leaderboards the way you need.
Hello, thanks for the quick answer!
BadgeOS I haven’t looked into yet, good catch and of course, You are the devleoper, so what you say goes ??
And yes, exactly, the last question (in my case the only one) submits the quiz. I rarely can find a case when anybody would want to “doublecheck” everything they did in the quiz to press one more button. If it had some code reason behind it, it’s understandable but still uneccessary imo.
I appreciate the prompt answer and I’m looking forward to work with you on this any time as testing or whatever you need. Also, let me know how can I donate (I only found the premium plugin page but I don’t need those) ??
BadgeOS provides the same ac Achievements v3, just for 150 usd, not free as far as I researched. It’s not really important tho (at least for me) if the leaderboard categories can be done (as above).
Greetings Flatlinezor:
The BadgeOS that I linked to was in the WordPress repository so it is free. The do sell a few addons I believe but the addons shouldn’t be required to use the plugin. However, I will still look into Achievements V3 for you as well.
If you desire to donate, I encourage you to look through our premium addons so you receive something in return. They can be found here: However, if you would rather just donate, you can do so here:
I will look through all of the options for your features and will update shortly with time frame estimates for you.
Done, purchased ?? Thanks, i am looking forward to hear from the estimates, hopefully the “all leaderboards can count as one leaderboard” either via category or some other way would be nice alongside it’s default functions and the immediate quiz start/finish are my top priorities (as many other’s priorities I believe). If it’s too much of a work, we can work something out I am sure.
Additional request, I am not sure if someone asked this before, I think I saw it as a separate post. Bare with me please, it makes sense ??
There could be an option to get only certain category questions on screen of one quiz. This would enable the plugin to be drastically more flexible, for example if someone sets up 10 different categories for 10 questions in ONE quiz, and the shortcode could decide which category to show only, or multiple, like: [mlw_quizmaster quiz=4 cat=3 or cat=3,5,6,11] which category questions should be displayed. Even if it’s just one question per category, the quiz would end if that one question is cleared, regardless of how many other categories have how many questions.
This is basically enabling admins who want to use ONE quiz for multiple setups, meaning they don’t have to create 2-3 different quizzes, since the system could not track who answered the previous quiz already and who hasn’t. Let me give you an example:
Frank wants to create a quiz, 3 hints a day(hints on his blog, not in the plugin), all of them have the exact same answers since they are about the same topic/puzzle. He decides to release hints every 8 hours on his blog, about the correct answer. He wishes to race his subscribers in the leaderboard giving more points to those who figured out the right answer with less hints, than those, who haven’t. Let’s say a day is 24 hours, which is a fact. Frank decides to have a quiz at 4am, one at noon and one at 8pm. RIght now, the plugin lets him do this by setting up 3 different, one question contained quizzes, which means he can’t block out users, who already gave the right answers, since they are free to start a new quiz because of the different quiz id. Since he wishes to give more points to those who answer correctly before the next hint is released, and then again, he has to use a separate sql query to update the points in the plugin results, at the end of the day/quiz, and filter out who took the quiz multiple times (which is not elegant at all, because he has to use 3 quizzes and people cheat to get more points with answering all 3 quizzes, although they are the same topic)
With the method of categories I mentioned, it could be done, since if one user answered one category already, the plugin won’t let him/her take the quiz again to gain points. Tracking who did the quiz is key here obviously and with 3 different quizzes it cannot be done.
I hope it was clear, I tried to be ??
PS(By the way, if there is only one question in the quiz, it autostarts, which is awesome, no button to press to start, which is awesome. ((On an open answer at least) )
Hmmm… interesting idea. I’ll have to ponder this over to see how I could implement this in the code.
Much appreciated! <3
Certifications are nice and I realize it’s in BETA, here are my suggestions, it could be a really huge, unique part of this plugin.
-An option to give certification only if a certain score is reached (like flawless, or 90+ %, etc.) as a popup, like an achievement and of course the user could save the jpg if he wanted to ((like now)).) THe popup part can be omitted of course if it’s too intrusive, just an idea, the main part of certs is the second part of my request, a bit further below.Currently it’s a nice thing to have but needs additional coding to “use” for anything for most admins, also it comes even if someone failed the quiz practically.
-The second certification suggestion is complex, but logical and you have most of the variables already polled in from the user.
To be able to store in one of your databases (probably it’s worth to do it with the mlw_results) that XY user completed XY quiz and got a cert for it (preset on what percentage reached minimum) and it could be polled as a separate leaderboard OR per user’s certifications.The trick is, the server would not need to store the certs (even if it has to be stored, not a problem though imo) but to “remember” which users got it and HOP, you have all the info already within the quiz for it, when the admin set up the cert part of that quiz earlier. (What text to render on the cert, and the username as well, etc.)
I don’t have to tell you that this would greatly replace the (for me) much needed badgeos or achievement support, meaning you’d become basically a standalone “badge” system to complete various quizzes, especially with the felxible method of setting the cert to be available only at 100% success or above a certain percent. Obviously this would be an extension of the “user dashboard widget” since it needs to show more information and it’s an “extra” addon, but hey ?? The whole system you have ready already as variables since it’s provided.
Why would it be good is the valid question, since all certs would look the same you say? Well, since basic cert functionality is good as is, if an admin uses different backgrounds all the time, that basically means the admin can create millions of small icons of those backdrops for the certs and styles it the way it fits the username render for example.
The how is logical:
Add a column to the results db, setting 1 if the requirements for the cert are met on given quizID for the user, or not. If they are met, the next time someone polls the leaderboard/quiz results page of his/her own, it’s polled/fed into the leaderboard/advanced user dashboard’s result quiz page as a small icon that can be pre-generated per “cert/achievement” and done.
From here, a “simple” step is to know, who exceled in a quiz as well, or just those who aced it, or just who don’t have the achi/cert, etc. Like this:
With the leaderboard, it’s the same principle, darn, even a “who has most certs/achis” leaderboard is viable as well.
I know it’s a lot but it makes sense. ??
I hope bugfix is going well on multiple quizzes + submit button sending all quizzes in, cheers!
I didn’t see anywhere to pay for this plugin. But i’d happily pay for it if everytime it advanced to a new question the page would refresh. This is imperative for people running sites monetized with ads.
Greetings radioboy969:
Thank you for choosing to use this plugin. I will add the page refresh option to the list of requested features for you.
Whew Flatlinezor, you are on a roll with the suggestions.
First, if you set up two different results pages, you can have one for passing which has the certificate link and the other be for failing which does not have the certificate link.
As for the suggestion, I like the idea of the certificate as achievements process but am unsure if it is the most practical approach. A concern would be for users who are using the certificate system as a certification process for their learning management system or training program. I would have to essentially create a separate certificate system to coincide with the existing system. It may be easier to create an achievement system. Let me ponder it over a little more and then I’ll add an entry to the list of requested features.
Also, since you have many great suggestions, feel free to browse the official issue/feature tracker and comment on any existing feature or submit your own there too if I haven’t added them all yet.
I was wondering if in the future you would be adding a likert matrix?It would be great to be able to give “Editors” the ability to see and manage the Quiz and delete result entries, while only letting users with say the “Subscriber” role to be able to see the results but not delete them nor edit the quizzes.
Thanks for considering.
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