• Greetings Everyone:

    Thank you for choosing to use this plugin!

    In order to organize the support forums, please post your feature requests in this topic only. This will allow me to more quickly go through the requests and keep them organized and leave the rest of the forum for support related issues.

    Best Regards



Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 65 total)
  • The ability for a shortlink to be included in the twitter share.

    One solution might be to have separate “Social Media Sharing Text” for Facebook and Twitter. That way site owners could add the shortlink there. I appreciate you can do this now and just have it show on both, but surveys suggest that Facebook users really don’t like articles with shortlinks in.

    In the admin email being able to send only the questions and answers the user got wrong or alternatively highlight the incorrect answers in the email.


    The ability to delete all the responses at one time (instead of individually) would be great.

    Also, the ability to have a 2 part quiz would be great. Here’s an example – the below link has a 2 part quiz. The scoring for part a and part b are different and are not supposed to be added together. Right now, when you submitt one or the other, the result page is only giving you half the information. It would be great if you could build 1 quiz that could tally scores for two groups of questions. https://www.addadult.com/getting-help/for-you/online-screening-test/

    Thread Starter Frank Corso


    Greetings Everyone:

    Thanks for the suggestions so far. I will add all of these to the list of requested features for you.


    Hey Frank, I have to take my form down because it’s being attached by spammers and my hosting company (eApps) suggested it be removed until the form has captcha availability. So, another feature request would be to ad captcha. Any idea of when that could be possible? I want to see if I need to find another plug in or if this will be in a near future release.

    Thread Starter Frank Corso


    Greetings jourdanhathaway:

    I just uploaded version 3.2.1 of the plugin. This version introduces the new captcha question type. Let me know how that works for you.


    Add ability to attach tags to each question. How this can be useful, at least to my project –
    I have a need to create a “bank” of hundreds of questions that each can have several tags/categories.
    After that i need an option for the end-user to be able to sort-out/filter the “bank” to show questions only from a category/tag of his choice and also give him option to see “X” questions from that category (10, 20, 30 and so on).
    Each question can belong/appear in different category
    I’ve been searching for a plugin that can do all that but can’t find it, free or for pay… ugh…

    Please add urlencoded result %variables% or at least a result id that can be placed in a link. We are sending winners to a dynamically generated coupon and this would be very helpful. Right now I have to manually edit the quiz code after each release to add a %USER_NAME_URL% variable.

    Alternatively, or in addition to that idea, please make use of the apply_filters function so that other plugins can modify the results variables. I suggest passing the raw page/email template along with an array of user information such as array(‘user_name’=>$mlw_user_name, etc…);

    It is missing one basic logic:

    It should pick random questions from defined categories.
    i.e. we should be able to to create categories and questions will be assigned to categories. And in any test there should be option to select the mulyiple category from where questions should be picked.

    Hi Frank,

    Is there somewhere we can see an estimated timeline for the suggested features?


    Thread Starter Frank Corso


    Greetings Everyone:

    Thanks for the suggestions. I will get these added to the list of requested features.

    Clownguts, at the moment, I do not have an official timeline for all the features on the to-do list. Right now, I have about 50 requested features on my list. I will try to get these prioritized with estimated timeframes and get it published soon.




    Can I set the timer to display hh:mm:ss instead MM:SS?

    Thread Starter Frank Corso


    Greetings lorran4cursoh:

    In the current version of the plugin, it only sets as MM:SS. I will add in an hour column in an update soon for you.


    Thanks for the summary of the your requests. I was trying to make sure I had hunted them all down and added them to my to do list.


    Tks, fpcorso.

    Another interesting option would be the display of incorrect answers (like the correct answers list) where the comments could give an indication of where to find the right answer.

Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 65 total)
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