• Plugin Author wpcues


    Greetings Everyone:

    Thank you for choosing to use this plugin!

    Please post your feature requests or any suggestion regarding improving current user interface in this topic.

    Best Regards

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  • Plugin Author wpcues


    I am planning to add Polls and Surveys also. So, should we have different shortcodes for them or same one as [wpcuebasicquiz] would suffice?

    Please suggest which of these two proposals you think I should implement.

    Case A:
    common shortcode for all three : [wpcuebasicquiz]

    Case B:

    • Poll : [wpcuebasicpoll]
    • Survey : [wpcuebasicsurvey]
    • Quiz : [wpcuebasicquiz]

    Dear Sir,
    I didn’t try wpcues yet, but first i would like to know if its applicable in Arabic?
    Thanks in advance

    I have the same question

    Plugin Author wpcues


    You can use Arabic everywhere in quizzes . Also you can change the various buttons text and other messages on Settings page.So, if you just want to show quizzes in Arabic to user , you can go this way.

    Alternately,If you want whole plugin in Arabic,You can just translate to your desired language using the given pot file in public folder if you are comfortable with using translator like poEdit.

    Thank you Sir,
    Following to which suggest, I will vote for Case B.
    Thank you

    add pagination to questions to pull a random question

    Plugin Author wpcues


    Thanks for suggestion.Will surely try to implement it.

    One reason I chose this plugin is the possibility to add images in answers. However, I would need to add the images INSIDE the LABEL tag, so that they are clickable, this is particularly important when on mobile devices. Can you do that?

    Plugin Author wpcues


    Thanks for such a good suggestion shade_wo. I will try to add it in future version. I have already coded and tested the next version which I will launch today. So I don’t want to tinker with it right now so that it does not create any unwanted untested problem as had happened earlier.
    I will surely try to incorporate this feature but you will have to wait for 6-7 days.

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