> I hope the preview works.
> it doesn’t.
> When I use your plugin it changes the submit button back to a basic black
> no it doesn’t. the plugin has no effect on the colour of your button. this is entirely a result of your theme or some other plugin.
YES it does. I have published the page now, the URL is: https://lfphotographics.com/start-your-order/
The color of the button is black. It is set to #aa0085 with a black border in my global theme settings. It is not supposed to be black. I have tried everything to correct it. Plus when you click the “send” button the popup that tells me the “accept” box hasn’t been checked is half hidden. I’ve tried everything to correct this problem as well. Nothing works.
Interestingly enough, when I click the “send” button the hover color changes to what it is supposed to be.
> As general rule of thumb the plugin only styles the layout (rows/columns) and few minor styling tules on the look such as borders and sizes, but the submit button colour isn’t one of them.
> I have selected in my global settings in my theme.
> that won’t make any difference. You need to inspect & style your submit button using CSS style rules that will override the default ones.
> Tried this already. I entered CSS in your custom CSS tab and it had no effect. I also tried adding custom CSS in my theme CSS box and that doesn’t work, either.