It’s not a problem with theme necessarily, the DB just didn’t update properly when you updated the plugin. The Database has had to change to accommodate the transition to ipv6 (ip addresses) which require more memory allocated in the DB table. Yours simply didn’t update properly, and hence reviews submitted failed to be stored because the collected ip address of the reviewer was too large for the allocated data. I just ran a DB failsafe that i built into the plugin before the last update for easy handling of this possibility exactly. The shortcode [RICH_REVIEWS_DB] can be placed on a new page or post, then previewing the page will then run the update, after which the post should be removed.
Further, the page you landed on after clearing your cache was a new addition as of the last update, however, unrelated to the DB issue. This is simply a different method of submitting the review form data, and is tied to an option (second checkbox under Form Options). This alternate method uses a http redirect to submit the form and effectively clear post data, before returning to the form page. This removes the possibility of duplicate entries from refreshing the form page after submission, however it does rely on local storage to redirect back to the form page properly and handle error states, and hence in rare circumstances clearing one’s cache while on the form page before submission may result in a navigation error. You can however, always turn this option off and return to the default handling of form submission.
Charlie Maxwell