• I see that there is a ‘Moderate’ tab on Link Library.

    My guess is that this means there is a way to create a form for submitting a link to Link Library so the administrator can review it before deciding whether or not to admit it to the database for display.

    How do I go about doing this?



    • This topic was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by Fred Atkinson.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author Yannick Lefebvre


    You can use the [link-library-addlink] shortcode to get a form for user link submission. You can configure the fiels that get displayed for the user form in the User Submission section of your Library Configurations. I should note that I have not yet implemented the ability to display custom fields in that form, but could look at adding that soon.

    Thread Starter Fred Atkinson


    I added it on https://www.wb4aej.com/newlink/ .

    It’s a start. I look forward to it’s development.

    It would be great to be able to customize it a bit.



    Thread Starter Fred Atkinson


    Well, it’s displayed on my site at https://www.wb4aej.com/submit .

    But I have submitted several links and none of them are showing up on the Moderate tab.


    • This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by Fred Atkinson.
    Plugin Author Yannick Lefebvre


    I took a look at your page and you seem to have put the shortcode from a different form generation plugin, and not the [link-library-addform] shortcode that I indicated above. Change it to the right shortcode and you should be good to go.

    Plugin Author Yannick Lefebvre


    You mentioned customizations, what type of customization would you like to make to the user submission form?

    Thread Starter Fred Atkinson


    Well, the biggest thing is that I would like to have the freedom to edit ‘Link Name’ to read ‘Callsign:’ and ‘Link Address’ to read ‘Site URL:’ fir the Ham Domain submission form.
    And I would also like to be able to create a separate submission for for each category with different editing of those same values (‘Link Name’ to ‘State:’ and ‘Link Address’ to ‘URL:’).
    It would also be nice to be able to insert a small graphic into each submission form to reflect what it is adding (customize each form to reflect the content of the submissions). Of course, that could be done within the page,

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by Fred Atkinson.
    Thread Starter Fred Atkinson


    Oh, and it would be nice to change the ‘Add New Link’ line to another value like ‘Submit New Site’ or ‘Send Revised URL’ for each form as well.

    Hope you find my suggestions useful.

    Plugin Author Yannick Lefebvre


    All of these text elements can be changed in the User Submission tab: https://www.wb4aej.com/wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=link_library_links&page=link-library-settingssets

    Plugin Author Yannick Lefebvre


    Just make sure you’re changing them in the right library configuration depending on which settings you’re using on your page.

    Thread Starter Fred Atkinson



    Looks like you are ahead of me every step of the way.

    I see that I can set up User Submission for each library configuration.

    How do I tell the submit form which library configuration it should use?

    I tried putting a -2 on the end of the shortcode. But that didn’t work.



    Plugin Author Yannick Lefebvre


    Same thing as the base shortcode: [link-library-addlink settings=”2″]

    Plugin Author Yannick Lefebvre


    And yes, a plugin that’s been in development for the past 16 years does tend to have a lot of built-in features ??

    Thread Starter Fred Atkinson



    Cool! It works great! I will have to remember that ‘settings=”#”‘ thing when I develop more library configurations.

    As for the Moderate tab, is there any way to include that ‘sortcode’ field so I can add it when I review the submitted link(s)?

    To clarify, the end user won’t have a clue as to what to enter if I included that on the form. I wouldn’t expect him/her to.

    So when I review it on the Moderate tab, I would type it into that field so that when I approved the link, it would be sorted correctly in the table.

    I could always edit the link info before I go back to the Moderate page. But it would be extra steps.

    If there is a way to do this, it would be great!



    • This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by Fred Atkinson.
    Thread Starter Fred Atkinson


    Wow! I didn’t know it had that much time put into it.

    Thread Starter Fred Atkinson


    I suspect this answer is a ‘No’, but I am going to ask.
    On a submit form, is it possible to have a drop down box with a list?

    Example, my first Library Configuration is a list of links for each state.

    Is it possible for the submit form to have a drop down so that the user could select the state the link he/she is submitting is for?

    They would only be submitting a replacement for the link to that state’s DMV [if they had a replacement link or a link with better info].

    Probably not. But I thought I would ask.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by Fred Atkinson.
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