Subject line is empty
Hi Support,
Settings for email is to send all notices. Plugin (v3.1.4) sends email notifications. But, the subject line is empty. Where is the problem?
Please refer to the documentation available here first of all:
Hi Julien,
I’ve read. But it does not help. On my side all the settings are correct. I use WP Mail SMTP v0.9.5 and Mandrill. All mail through my website runs normally. Everything works perfectly. But only through Awesome Support email is without subject lines.
The problem is on your side.
Not only is subject line empty. Subject line does not exist in a received email message. This means that Awesome Support plugin does not include the subject line.
By the way, text formatting (email settings) through TinyMCE is a total disaster.
Update – Test Result
Just as I thought. Error is on your side.
I have run the test website only for the purpose of testing. Only default WP installation and only two of the plugin. WP Mail SMTP and Awesome Support.
WordPress v4.1.1
WP Mail SMTP v0.9.5
Awesome Support v3.1.4And what happens?
WP Mail SMTP properly sends a message through the Mandrill.
To Admin: This is a test email generated by the WP Mail SMTP WordPress plugin.WordPress
WordPress properly sends messages after registering a new user
1. To Admin: New user registration on your site Test Website: Username, E-mail
2. To User: Login Credentials: Username, Password, Login URLAwesome Support
Sending messages with an empty subject line. Subject line IS NOT INCLUDED.1. To Admin: Hi *admin,*
The request *Blah, blah test ticket* (#6 <https://MY TEST SITE.COM/wp-admin/post.php?post=6&action=edit>) has been assigned to you.
View Ticket <https://MY TEST SITE.COM/wp-admin/post.php?post=6&action=edit>
==or follow this link: https://MY TEST SITE.COM/wp-admin/post.php?post=6&action=edit
My Test Site2. To User: Hi *Mark User*,*
Your request (#6 <https://MY TEST SITE.COM/ticket/blah-blah-test-ticket/>) has been received, and is being reviewed by our support staff.
To add additional comments, follow the link below:
== View Ticket
<https://MY TEST SITE.COM/ticket/blah-blah-test-ticket/>
==or follow this link:
https://MY TEST SITE.COM/ticket/blah-blah-test-ticket/Regards,
My Test SiteConclusion: Awesome Support plugin definitely NOT INCLUDE subject line when sending email messages. Please fix it. Thanks in advance.
Alright I have been running some tests and was able to re-create your issue.
The issue seems to occur between WP Mail SMTP and Mandrill. I have tested lots different scenarios and here is what happens:
- Mails sent through WP Mail SMTP using standard SMTP server, no problem
- Mails sent through wpMandrill, no problem
- Mails sent through WP Mail SMTP using Mandrill (the SMTP server directly, not the plugin), problem
Awesome Support does send a subject line (as you can see in the codebase) but it seems that this subject is lost somewhere in the process.
Now, before going further, why not using wpMandrill, which is the official Mandrill WP plugin, instead of WP Mail SMTP?
I see.
I have tried to use Easy WP SMTP and wpMandrill but both have problems.
With WP Mail SMTP there are no problems, has excellent support and is updated regularly. That’s why I use this plugin for all my needs.
In this case, it seems that is not a problem with Mandrill. I think it is a problem between Awesome Support and WP Mail SMTP.
In other words, if the problem is between the WP Mail SMTP and Mandrill, then all mail would not have passed. Not only of Awesome Support. On my side everything else works perfectly. I have a problem only with Awesome Support plugin.
There definitely is something strange because when using WP Mail SMTP with Gmail SMTP for instance I have no problem with the title. Have you tried with another SMTP server?
Mandrill requires port 587 and TLS, with SSL can not connect. I have not tried Gmail as you’ve already tried. I have now tried with Yandex and it passes. I do not use any other SMTP.
SMTP Host:
SMTP Port: 587
Encryption: TLS
Authentication: Yes: Use SMTP authentication.
Username: myvipteam @
Password: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxWorking
SMTP Host:
SMTP Port: 465
Encryption: SSL
Authentication: Yes: Use SMTP authentication.
Username: myvipteam.anyemail
Password: xxxxxxxxxxxxWhen I say working / non-working I think the subject line. Nothing is clear.
Try this SMTP plugin and see if works with Madrill. Then you’ll know whether WP Mail SMTP is the problem or not. It will import your WP Mail SMTP settings so it is easy to setup.
I tried with two other plugin:
Caldera SMTP Mailer – Problem (without subject line)
My SMTP WP – Problem (without subject line)As things stand, no SMTP plugin does not work with Awesome Support plugin. All messages are sent but no subject lines.
And the one I suggested?
Thanks Jason,
Postman SMTP looks like a Rolls Royce among SMTP plugins. But I failed.
Postman SMTP – Problem (general) – plugin can not send test message!
Test #1 My Settings
SMTP, Autentication: Plain, Security: TLS, Port: 587
– 4.7.8 Error: authentication failedTest #2 My Settings
SMTP, Autentication: Login, Security: TLS, Port: 587
– 4.7.8 Error: authentication failedTest #3 My Settings
SMTP, Autentication: CRAMMD5, Security: TLS, Port: 587
– 4.7.8 Error: authentication failed: Invalid authentication mechanismTest #4 Postman recommended settings
Postman recommends SMTPS-SSL with Password (plain) authentication on port 465.
Send a test email
– 4.7.8 Error: authentication failedConnectivity Test
Port 25 SMTP port; commonly blocked – Closed (A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond. )
Port 443 HTTPS port; can be used by the Postman Gmail Extension Ok
Port 465 SMTPS-SSL port Ok
Port 587 SMTPS-TLS port OkPlugin failed
No problem. We will sort you out.
4.7.8 Error: authentication failed
Under “Tips and Diagnostic Info”, please post your Diagnostic Information. Your authentication is failing. That is, you have entered your name and password combination incorrectly, or you are using an SMTP server for which you have no authority.
#1 – Send a Test Email
Sending the message: Failed
Status Message
4.7.8 Error: authentication failed: Invalid authentication mechanism#2 – SMTP Session Transcript
EHLO localhost
250-SIZE 26214400
220 2.0.0 Ready to start TLS
EHLO localhost
250-SIZE 26214400
435 4.7.8 Error: authentication failed: Invalid authentication mechanism#3 – Diagnostic Information
PHP Version: 5.5.15
PHP SSL Extension: Yes
PHP spl_autoload_register support: Yes
PHP getmxrr support: Yes
PHP ArrayObject support: Yes
PHP error: (display_errors|errorReporting): 1|4983
WordPress Version: 4.1.1
WordPress Active Plugins : Awesome Support : Postman SMTP
Postman Version: 1.5.3
Postman Sender: [email protected]
Postman Transport URI: smtp:tls:crammd5://[email protected]:********************************
Postman Transport Status (configured|ready|connected): Yes|Yes|Yes
Postman Deliveries (Success|Fail): 0|1
Postman Bind (success|failure): Yes|No
Postman Available Transports : SMTP (1.5.3)
Postman LogLevel: 40000
Postman TCP Timeout (Connection|Read): 10|60The settings for the Yandex server are on their website:
mail server address —; connection security — SSL; port — 465.
These are the same settings Postman suggested – You had it with “Test #4”:
Test #4 Postman recommended settings
Postman recommends SMTPS-SSL with Password (plain) authentication on port 465.
Send a test email
– 4.7.8 Error: authentication failedExcept you used the wrong SMTP server. You used:
Try again with the correct mail server address, mail server port, username and password. Yandex also says:
To access the mail server, enter your Yandex username and password. If you are setting it up to get mail from a “[email protected]”, type of mailbox, your username is the part of the address before the “@” sign.
Wrong. I’m using here Mandrill ( not Yandex SMTP server. I use Yandex e-mail address only for testing (sending). Test e-mail address of the recipient is Gmail. Everything is set up correctly. Absolutely everything. I checked.
My settings are as above in the 8th message.
For me it is important Mandrill. No other SMTP server.
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