• Resolved pkd


    I’m setting up an intranet using Alfie Weather. Really love the widget and the client loves it too. However the widget does not load on a subdirectory. I installed WP in a subdirectory called ‘test’ to debug this issue in a fresh WP install. localhost/test/

    I get a 404 Not Found error for getfeed.php. It is pointing to the root directory of the localhost, instead of the WP root, ‘/test/’ in my case. So, it’s looking for /wp-content/plugins/alfie-wp-weather/getfeed.php in the localhost root.

    When moved WP to the localhost root, it worked fine.


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  • Plugin Author appcuarium


    Glad to hear it works now ??

    pkd, is there any error message in console? There’s a very small chance for it to be a jQuery conflict because the Alfie WP Weather javascript is wrapped within self-executing anonymous functions to prevent conflicts from happening.

    If you see errors in console or in server logs, paste them here. We’ll get to the bottom of the issue ??

    The Alfie Team

    Thread Starter pkd


    I haven’t seen any errors in the console. Its puzzling. I’m going to try and reinstall everything from scratch since that worked with my test model. Still I think there is some conflict with Timely, since my test verion Weather works, while events do not. On my live Intranet version the events works, but weather doesn’t. I also have an older dev version on a web server and everything functions correctly there. Puzzling…

    Plugin Author appcuarium


    jQuery version?

    Thread Starter pkd


    <script type=”text/javascript” src=”/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery.js?ver=1.8.3″></script>

    Plugin Author appcuarium


    Really odd. Could you check network in dev tools of Chrome/FF/Safari and see if there’s some error showing? Also, can you confirm if getfeed.php has a JSON response with the data from Yahoo API?

    Thread Starter pkd


    I’ve been watching Network and Consol in Chrome and no errors. Let me check on FF.
    Not sure i no how to check for a JSON response.

    Plugin Author appcuarium


    On Network tab in Chrome, click on getfeed.php, than on Response, you should normally see a JSON object. You also could rightclick on getfeed.php and open that in new tab and see the same JSON response.

    Thread Starter pkd


    Looks like i’m getting a response (for Austin, Tx) :

    {"data":{"woeid":"2357536","title":"Yahoo! Weather - Austin, TX","link":"http:\/\/us.rd.yahoo.com\/dailynews\/rss\/weather\/Austin__TX\/*http:\/\/weather.yahoo.com\/forecast\/USTX0057_f.html","description":"Yahoo! Weather for Austin, TX","language":"en-us","lastBuildDate":"Thu, 25 Apr 2013 1:50 pm CDT","ttl":"60","location":{"city":"Austin","country":"United States"},"units":{"distance":"mi","pressure":"in","speed":"mph","temperature":"F"},"wind":{"chill":"65","direction":"60","speed":"3"},"atmosphere":{"humidity":"42","pressure":"30.28","rising":"2","visibility":"10"},"astronomy":{"sunrise":"6:52 am","sunset":"8:04 pm"},"image":{"title":"Yahoo! Weather","width":"142","height":"18","link":"http:\/\/weather.yahoo.com","url":"http:\/\/l.yimg.com\/a\/i\/brand\/purplelogo\/\/uh\/us\/news-wea.gif"},"item":{"title":"Conditions for Austin, TX at 1:50 pm CDT","lat":"30.27","long":"-97.74","link":"http:\/\/us.rd.yahoo.com\/dailynews\/rss\/weather\/Austin__TX\/*http:\/\/weather.yahoo.com\/forecast\/USTX0057_f.html","pubDate":"Thu, 25 Apr 2013 1:50 pm CDT","condition":{"code":"26","date":"Thu, 25 Apr 2013 1:50 pm CDT","temp":"65","text":"Cloudy"},"description":"\n<img src=\"http:\/\/l.yimg.com\/a\/i\/us\/we\/52\/26.gif\"\/><br \/>\n<b>Current Conditions:<\/b><br \/>\nCloudy, 65 F<BR \/>\n<BR \/><b>Forecast:<\/b><BR \/>\nThu - Mostly Cloudy. High: 72 Low: 60<br \/>\nFri - AM Showers. High: 84 Low: 68<br \/>\n<br \/>\n<a href="http:\/\/us.rd.yahoo.com\/dailynews\/rss\/weather\/Austin__TX\/*http:\/\/weather.yahoo.com\/forecast\/USTX0057_f.html">Full Forecast at Yahoo! Weather<\/a><BR\/><BR\/>\n(provided by </a><a href="http:\/\/www.weather.com">The Weather Channel<\/a>)<br\/>\n","forecast":{"today":{"code":"27","date":"25 Apr 2013","day":"Thursday","high":"72","low":"60","text":"Mostly Cloudy"},"tomorrow":{"code":"39","date":"26 Apr 2013","day":"Friday","high":"84","low":"68","text":"Scattered Thunderstorms"}},"guid":{"isPermaLink":"false","content":"USTX0057_2013_04_26_7_00_CDT"}}}}<!-- WP Super Cache is installed but broken. The constant WPCACHEHOME must be set in the file wp-config.php and point at the WP Super Cache plugin directory. --></a>

    [Please post code & markup between backticks or use the code button. Your posted code may now have been permanently damaged by the forum’s parser.]

    Plugin Author appcuarium


    Hmm, it looks like there’s some error related to a broken WP Super Cache installation. Could you disable it ( or even uninstall it and install W3 Total Cache instead, which is more flexible and reliable ). Make sure you remove any folder related to the plugin, check .htaccess for rewrite rules added by the plugin, check wp-config.php for lines added by the plugin, remove all folders created by it… It could or couldn’t be related, but we’re eliminating points of failure until we’ll get some good news. Also, make sure you clear browser cache.

    Thread Starter pkd


    That was the problem! I had WPSCache disabled, but not deleted. I deleted the plugin and it’s cache folder and that worked.

    Thanks for the help!

    Plugin Author appcuarium


    Glad to hear you’re all set now.

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