• Having searched the internet there are numerous posts on this topic but none seem to answer me. Basically, I set up the structure of my website https://www.meetinbradford.org through the ‘Menu’ option. Please look at the live site. Under the groups heading for example, look at Language, EU, Italian. How I did that was Groups page, Language Nationality category, EU category, Italian category. I then created a page, with Benvenido/Welcome at the top, but I wanted this just to be the Italy page not a sub-menu of the italy page.

    I have then come across the parent/child pages facility, but as I don’t have any pages yet and didn’t think I wanted to create a page for EU for example, I just wanted it as a sub menu to get me to the other pages.

    I was surprised that having created a series of pages in the Menu option, that the pages aren’t actually available for editing when you go to the dashboard. Hence I created another one for Italy, which you see appears in the secondary menu and also a separate page appears in Groups, language, EU. So now do I have to create a page for Groups etc etc or can I just have categories as a kind of filtering menu system.

    Yours confused!

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