• I currently have a site1.domain.co.uk as a single wp install and now need to create duplicate sites for site2.domain.co.uk and site3.domainco.uk

    Each site is used as a one page form for email marketing, so would never need indexing, therefore I never added any content to the main domain.co.uk

    My question is whether multisite is the best option and if so how would you recommend I set it up?

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  • Hi fertilefrog,

    Multisite is used as a solution when you have multiple websites and want an easier way to administer them. With WPMU there is only one WordPress install and the other sites are virtual. They all run off of the same core installation and database, but each new site is given a user id number and all of that site’s data is stored under its user id.

    In your case, it would be easier to administer all three sites from one network admin, but adding multisite to a site that’s up and running can be a little tricky. Make sure that you backup everything very carefully before you do anything else. Then I would recommend that you read these pages and their relevant links thoroughly before you proceed.


    Oh, one other thing I forgot to mention is that modern SEO thinking is that sub-directories are the best way to go if you are looking to raise SEO by piggy-backing on each other’s success.

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