• I’m trying to get my category list to behave, but having a bit of trouble doing so.
    What I’m aiming for is @: https://tekmonki.com (that’s textpattern).
    What I have now is @: https://tekmonki.com/fix-index.php
    The problems I’m having are:
    1. When I do ‘wp_list_cats(‘exclude=”22,16″‘)’, it’s only excluding whatever the first ID is. It seems to ignore the subsequent one. Also, is there a way to sort by . . I don’t know, importance? For example, I’d prefer “Home, Musik, Fotos, Kontakt, Word”. The only options I see are by asc/dsc.
    2. I want the top category with a bottom-border, and then the sub-categories with no bottom-border. So far I can only get either each cat/subcat combo to have a bottom border or the subcats will have a bottom border.
    I suppose I could make a custom menu, but I’d like to avoid this if possible so I can keep the flexibility of using wp_list_cats.

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  • Thread Starter TMo


    It looks right on my current index page. https://tekmonki.com
    https://tekmonki.com/fix-index.php is where I’m trying to emulate that.

    Now listening to
    are all underlined.
    I see no ‘Fotos’ ?

    Thread Starter TMo


    I think you’re looking at the TextPattern version.
    I’m trying to fix . . .https://tekmonki.com/fix-index.php
    I want that list on the right to look like “now listening to”.

    Ah ! I was indeed ….. give me a few minutes ??

    Thread Starter TMo


    You are the man podz.

    #nav {
    padding: 0;
    #nav ul {
    color: #777;
    font-weight: bold;
    list-style-type: none;
    margin: 0;
    padding-left: 0px;
    text-transform: lowercase;
    #nav ul li {
    font: italic normal 110% Verdana, sans-serif;
    letter-spacing: 0.1em;
    margin-top: 10px;
    padding-bottom: 2px;
    #nav ul ul {
    font-variant: normal;
    font-weight: normal;
    line-height: 100%;
    list-style-type: none;
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;
    text-align: left;
    #nav ul ul li {
    border: 0;
    font: normal 80%/115% Tahoma, sans-serif;
    letter-spacing: 0;
    margin-top: 0;
    padding: 0;
    padding-left: 1px;
    #nav ul ul li a {
    color: #444444;
    text-decoration: none;
    #nav ul ul li a:hover {
    border-bottom: 1px solid #809080;
    #nav ul ul ul.children {
    font-size: 142%;
    padding-left: 4px;
    Paste that at the bottom of your css.
    It does not yet do the underlining but once that’s in, it’s a lot closer.
    The font needs adjusting, but the css so far there is okay.

    Thread Starter TMo


    Thanks podz. I was kinda hoping for the underline thing though. Doesn’t seem like it can be done with the code given via wp_list_cats.
    Thanks again.

    Oh we can still work on that ??
    It’s awkward to work on a sheet having added that much css and with my machine being stressed ??
    By the way, check my page and scroll to the bottom – I’m using a tiny bit of javascript to get the drop down effect if it’s of any use ?

    I see no change on your page ?

    Thread Starter TMo


    I’m still working on it. Some of that atthe404 css was making my content column jump up and down on mouseover.
    And yeah, I’m still open to ideas. My main requirements are that it looks nice, preferrably dynamic, and I know how to edit it.
    Like, right now “thanks” and “newsletter” shouldn’t be on the list. They’re posts, but should only show up in special circumstances, I could only seem to exclude one of them at a time though when doing ‘exclude=”16,22″‘ in the list cats arguments.

    Don’t use list cats.
    List them individually instead. Here’s how I control the top 3 parts of my menu:

      <li id="here">Here

      <?php wp_get_links(11); ?>

    <li id="friends">Friends

      <?php wp_get_links(2); ?>

    <li id="reading">Reading

      <?php wp_get_links(15); ?>

    The number in brackets is the cat ID number.
    Also means that I could style each of those differently if I wanted.

    Thread Starter TMo


    NOW you tell me!!! = ]
    Can I use subcats that way too though?

    Subcats ……. if they have an ID I don’t see why not…..
    I didn’t mention this before because at the top you said you liked the flexibility ??

    Thread Starter TMo


    Well fuck it. If list_cats is gonna be such a little puta about things. . . it can get bent. This is still a bit flexible. I can deal with that.
    Will play and report back if I get lost again.

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