• Resolved Momo


    This is a great plugin, but would be awesome if we could have the functions to arrange the search fields side by side, position….etc to save space from going straight all the way down, if we have tons of search fields to include.

    I wish I can access the html files to tweak the search form to look the way I want it. ??


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  • Plugin Author Andrea Tarantini



    The HTML for the search form is generated in the file ‘bps-searchform.php’. That file generates the form HTML and adopts the CSS from the BP default theme, but you can modify it easily and provide your own HTML and/or CSS.

    Be careful to save your changes before updating the plugin!

    Thread Starter Momo


    Hi Andrea,

    If you mean this;

    All I see is this;

    add_action ('bp_profile_search_form', 'bps_form');
    function bps_form ($form_id)
    	global $field;
    	global $bps_options;
    	$action = bp_get_root_domain (). '/'. bp_get_members_root_slug (). '/';
    	if ($form_id == '')
    	$form_id = 'bps_action';
    	<div class="item-list-tabs">
    	<li><?php echo $bps_options['header']; ?></li>
    <?php if (in_array ('Enabled', (array)$bps_options['show'])) { ?>
    	<li class="last">
    	<input id="bps_show" type="submit" value="<?php echo $bps_options['message']; ?>" />
    <?php } ?>
    <?php if (in_array ('Enabled', (array)$bps_options['show'])) { ?>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    	jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
    <?php } ?>
    echo "<form action='$action' method='post' id='$form_id' class='standard-form'>";
    	if (bp_has_profile ('hide_empty_fields=0'))  while (bp_profile_groups ())
    		bp_the_profile_group ();
    		while (bp_profile_fields ())
    			bp_the_profile_field ();
    			$fname = 'field_'. $field->id;
    			$posted = $_POST[$fname];
    			$posted_to = $_POST[$fname. '_to'];
    			if ($field->id == $bps_options['agerange'])
    				$from = ($posted == '' && $posted_to == '')? '': (int)$posted;
    				$to = ($posted_to == '')? $from: (int)$posted_to;
    				if ($to < $from)  $to = $from;
    echo '<div '. bp_get_field_css_class ('editfield'). '>';
    echo "<label for='$fname'>{$bps_options['agelabel']}</label>";
    echo "<input style='width: 10%;' type='text' name='$fname' value='$from' />";
    echo '&nbsp;-&nbsp;';
    echo "<input style='width: 10%;' type='text' name='{$fname}_to' value='$to' />";
    echo "<p class='description'>{$bps_options['agedesc']}</p>";
    echo '</div>';
    			if (!in_array ($field->id, (array)$bps_options['fields']))  continue;
    echo '<div '. bp_get_field_css_class ('editfield'). '>';
    			if (!method_exists ($field, 'get_children'))
    				$field = new BP_XProfile_Field ($field->id);
    			$options = $field->get_children ();
    			switch (bp_get_the_profile_field_type ())
    			case 'textbox':
    echo "<label for='$fname'>$field->name</label>";
    echo "<input type='text' name='$fname' id='$fname' value='$posted' />";
    			case 'textarea':
    echo "<label for='$fname'>$field->name</label>";
    echo "<textarea rows='5' cols='40' name='$fname' id='$fname'>$posted</textarea>";
    			case 'selectbox':
    echo "<label for='$fname'>$field->name</label>";
    echo "<select name='$fname' id='$fname'>";
    echo "<option value=''></option>";
    			foreach ($options as $option)
    				$option->name = trim ($option->name);
    				$selected = ($option->name == $posted)? "selected='selected'": "";
    echo "<option $selected value='$option->name'>$option->name</option>";
    echo "</select>";
    			case 'multiselectbox':
    echo "<label for='$fname'>$field->name</label>";
    echo "<select name='{$fname}[]' id='$fname' multiple='multiple'>";
    			foreach ($options as $option)
    				$option->name = trim ($option->name);
    				$selected = (in_array ($option->name, (array)$posted))? "selected='selected'": "";
    echo "<option $selected value='$option->name'>$option->name</option>";
    echo "</select>";
    			case 'radio':
    echo "<div class='radio'>";
    echo "<span class='label'>$field->name</span>";
    echo "<div id='$fname'>";
    			foreach ($options as $option)
    				$option->name = trim ($option->name);
    				$selected = ($option->name == $posted)? "checked='checked'": "";
    echo "<label><input $selected type='radio' name='$fname' value='$option->name'>$option->name</label>";
    echo '</div>';
    echo "<a class='clear-value' href='javascript:clear(\"$fname\");'>". __('Clear', 'buddypress'). "</a>";
    echo '</div>';
    			case 'checkbox':
    echo "<div class='checkbox'>";
    echo "<span class='label'>$field->name</span>";
    			foreach ($options as $option)
    				$option->name = trim ($option->name);
    				$selected = (in_array ($option->name, (array)$posted))? "checked='checked'": "";
    echo "<label><input $selected type='checkbox' name='{$fname}[]' value='$option->name'>$option->name</label>";
    echo '</div>';
    echo '</div>';
    echo "<div class='submit'>";
    echo "<input type='submit' value='". __('Search', 'buddypress'). "' />";
    echo '</div>';
    echo "<input type='hidden' name='bp_profile_search' value='true' />";
    echo "<input type='hidden' name='num' value='9999' />";
    echo '</form>';

    Don’t look anything like HTML to me ??

    Plugin Author Andrea Tarantini


    Sorry, I assumed you were familiar with editing PHP code – of course you need a PHP programmer to edit that file.

    Thread Starter Momo


    I can give it a try. I just need to differentiate the various form field with an id. Right now everything is class under ‘editfield’. Would appreciate if you can advise on this.

    Plugin Author Andrea Tarantini


    Each search field has a name, say Gender, and a field number, say 12. This field is enclosed in a div like this:

    <div class="editfield field_12 field_Gender">

    So you can already use the field specific classes to style your fields, and no plugin modification is needed.

    Thread Starter Momo


    Thanks Andrea. I thought I’ve tried that before with firebug, will give it another shot.

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