Thank you for letting us know about your experience with Bit Form.
We admit that Bit Form lacks some basic but essential features, as you and others mentioned earlier. Since bit form first release, we listened to every request, comment, and suggestion took notes.
We are now developing Bit Form version 2 for 6+ months and working with the style editor. We are also improving the UI of the builder and the style editor.
Styling will have much more options than ever before:
1. font-family (inherit from the theme, custom font name input, google font list)
2. RTL styling
3. Color scheme: Light & Dark
4. Responsive breakpoint specific styling
5. Prefix & suffix icons in the input field, label, subtitle, helper text & error message with global and individual styling. You can choose from 10,000+ available icons fetched from multiple sources like "Font Awesome," feather, bootstrap, material, etc., or your custom uploaded icons.
6. additional style properties: transition, transform, filter, shadow
7. checkbox, radio styling with different states: default, hover, focus, checked
Thank you,
Bit Apps Support.