Stylin problem – Vantage Premium theme, Page Builder, Advanced Sidebar Menu
Thinking there’s a simple css answer to this, but I just can’t find it. Also posted on SiteOrigin Support but thinking might have more response here. Thx!
Thinking PageBuilder is overriding Advanced Sidebar styles. Would like to fix. In details:
I’m using Advanced Sidebar Menu widget (ASM) to manage my vast number of pages in a user-friendly way.
I like it’s style when it’s simply in the page sidebar (no Page Builder involved) – looks fine, not exactly what I want, but it’ll do: see right sidebar, TNR menu beneath Read More:
However, when the widget’s embedded in Page Builder it’s style is rather large and unmanageable: see right sidebar under the pic, Read More menu –
ASM has an option to use it’s own stylin. When it’s selected in the first example (that I like) it seems to make a header out of the top level menu item and add a round bullet and embolden the menu item representing the page I’m on. It doesn’t seem to change any other style. When selected in the second example it doesn’t seem to have any effect. So I’m guessing Page Builder is overriding ASM’s style. I’ve ASM set up the same way in both examples.
I am lost in a haze of Edit CSS, Custom CSS, editing *.css, widget attibutes, widget classes & inspecting elements and my brain is melting out my ears from internet searching.
I’m sure the answer is very simple and I apologize for bothering ye. A response aimed at a novice would be most helpful ??
Another issue with styles: I’m also confused at to where the blue colour is coming from in the breadcrumbs – visible on same link pages as above. Everything else conforms to theme. But that’s Vantage, not Page Builder, so prob cheeky to post here ??
I’ve just changed hosts, and used the opportunity to upgrade my theme by installing Vantage Premium and Page Builder on my site. I’m now in the process of upgrading my animal welfare information pages to be more navigable. I’ve fiddled and botched my way to this point and am now defeated and don’t know where to start.
My webpage is non-commercial, publicising my voluntary work in animal welfare – Trap Neuter Return awareness raising, education and information provision in particular.
In the dim and distant past, about 25 years ago, I was an analyst/programmer/UID for 7 years (I left round about when C++ had just come out). So I can wing it a bit with coding, but work on a need-to-know basis. I am at an age where my brain is full and I’ve no room left to learn much more.
I absolutely love Vantage and Page Builder – big thx for producing them!
Ta! Muriel
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