• Hi
    Thanks so much for this plugin – awesome work.

    I’d like to suggest a mod that allows us designers with consciences about server requests, file sizes, bandwidth etc to implement this plugin’s styling as part of the main stylesheet, and not include the plugin styles file at all. SASS and LESS allow this very easily.

    At the moment the stylesheet for the plugin is enqueued in a place that makes it impossible (or at least I’ve exhausted every method I could) to dequeue.

    I don’t like the idea of overriding the styles – this increases the CSS file size and as I say adds an unnecessary server call to the plugins’ stylesheet.

    Having found a method to dequeue the WP Recent Comment styles, I looked into the WP core files to see how it was setup (see LINE 642)

    As you can see the stylesheet is enqueued as part of the widget constructor.

    So my mod suggestion is to use the same method as so:

    function BraTwitterWidget() {
    		$widget_options = array(
    		'classname'        =>        'bra-twitter-widget',
    		'description'     =>        'Showing tweets of the user. New Twitter API v1.1'
    		parent::WP_Widget('bra_twitter_widget', 'Brankic Twitter Widget', $widget_options);
    		$root = plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ );
    		if ( is_active_widget(false, false, $this->id_base) )
    			wp_enqueue_style("bra_twitter", $root."bra_twitter_widget.css");

    Now I can easily call:

    wp_dequeue_style( 'bra_twitter' );

    via an action as such:

    add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'scripts', 100 );

    Sorry for the long winded explanation.



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