Sure can.
I’ve used Chrome to Inspect the element and taken the “overriding” css straight from it and put it in the child theme style.css
It looks like it gets overridden by the code found in verbo/media/css/
The code that made me aware of this was when I tried to get the footer coloured right in a school website.
The code I had added to the child theme style.css is as follows:
footer aside{
padding: 60px 0px 20px 0px;
border-top: 1px solid #e4e4e4;
The reason behind wanting background:none, is because I’ve attached a background image to the “footer” tag, but this is then blocked out by footer aside.
The background for footer aside is for some reason defined within the index file itself when the theme calls wp_footer(). Not sure why this is (and if you have a fix for this, or know what calls this, I’m all ears – though for now I’m more than happy just putting an !important on my style.css file).
But what brought the overriding stylesheets to my attention was when I tried to change the border-top colour. As you can see, I’ve tried to make it #e4e4e4, but when I inspect the element, footer.css has overidden it with the default #f2f2f2.
I have tried creating a media/css/footer.css file inside the child theme, with no avail. It still fetches the styles for footer.css from the parent theme ‘verbo’.
Hopefully all of this makes sense.