• AH!

    I updated to the latest version of wordpress (AFTER I CHECKED WHAT’S NEEDED AND WHAT PLUGINS DON’T WORK). And after doing so I get this for my blogroll (there are 5 blogs for 5 errors):

    WordPress database error: [Table ‘mysql_namedemo.wp_link2cat’ doesn’t exist]
    SELECT category_id FROM wp_link2cat WHERE link_id = 11 ORDER BY category_id

    WordPress database error: [Table ‘mysql_namedemo.wp_link2cat’ doesn’t exist]
    SELECT category_id FROM wp_link2cat WHERE link_id = 9 ORDER BY category_id

    And this shows up in the category box when I make a post. However the categories show up fine on the site:

    WordPress database error: [Unknown column ‘link_count’ in ‘where clause’]
    SELECT cat_ID FROM wp_categories WHERE category_parent = 0 AND ( link_count = 0 OR category_count != 0 OR ( link_count = 0 AND category_count = 0 ) ) ORDER BY category_count DESC

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  • Sorry about that. Colimradical.

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.remarpro.com Admin

    I’ve definitely deactivated all plugins before the upgrade procedure. But still get a sql error in my sidebar.

    WordPress database error: [You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ” at line 1]
    SELECT cat_id, cat_name FROM

    I had this same error after upgrading. So I looked into it, and it turned out to be code in my theme that was doing it. This may be commonplace among several different themes, it looked rather generic.

    The short of it is that there will be cases where some existing code which attempts to display Links (Blogroll, that sort of thing) will have special code for themes or widgets or what have you. This section of wordpress has dramatically altered, and so these bits of code won’t actually work anymore. This will affect plugins, themes, anything that used custom code to display Links.

    There’s no workaround short of fixing the broken code. So my suggestion is to find where the code is, then contact whoever made it and see about an update. In my case, the theme had a custom widget in it called “Links With Style” (which I vaguely recall putting there myself, actually), and that widget was no longer compatible. I removed it and ended up using the default Links widget instead (which now actually works in the way I expected it to in the first place).

    @otto42 Thanks for the hint, i’ve already contacted the author of the theme, but will also check if i can found the “false” code.

    Regards, comA

    Otto speaks truth. I had to snoop around in the code for my theme (durable) and found a few functions that no longer work with wp 2.1 . I replaced them with new functions, and everything is working smoothly

    Some exact same problems on install and use. (Even though I really did follow all instructions, dumping/deleting every single file and folders of files before uploading brand-new 2.1 (from 2.05) I still got the upgrade errors that seemed to indicate 2 versions of files were present (not possible–they were all deleted).
    After 3 identical re-uploads, it finally cycled me to a php page that contained a text “upgrade” link which worked.

    The categories with, and including, Blogroll (which I renamed as we don’t use a Blogroll) no longer function. The words appear on the sidebar (according to the theme & css) where they should, but no links are retrieved and listed and the other categories added to the theme sidebar with php code don’t show at all.

    When I checked the “On-demand backup of your WordPress database. ver. 1.8 By Scott Merrill,” Everything seemed OK except that now the 10th normal WP sql table (there are only 9 now) is to the right and can be checked off to be included in backup jobs as a non-core table. Server is:
    PHP version 5.2.0
    MySQL version 4.1.21-standard
    Theme: Silver Lexus 0.9 [(just graphic/text/colors modified on .css—I don’t do php) Categories *function* on the Default theme, but still missing 10th core table on backup list.]

    Is there a help link or is this the place to look for help in what the new Blogroll feature (no longer Link Category area) and missing sql table might be doing? It “appears” that using the Link Category work-around php substitutions I found after the last upgrade don’t work any longer. And from the above programmer talk, maybe the sql table won’t retrieve them anyway now because wp_link2cat is no longer core. ?

    Pardon me for not being knowledgeable enough about coding to be very articulate. I know enough to be dangerous and just forget the rest I’d like to do so the blog will function. Most plugins I would choose didn’t work before and their authors are “working on it.” Many users had precisely the same errors I did.

    Thanks MUCH! Deb

    FYI as others have had to answer up about php.php on their server:
    Build Date Jan 23 2007 11:01:18
    Configure Command ‘./configure’ ‘–with-apxs=/usr/local/apache/bin/apxs’ ‘–prefix=/usr/local’ ‘–with-xml’ ‘–enable-bcmath’ ‘–enable-calendar’ ‘–with-curl’ ‘–with-dom’ ‘–with-dom-xslt’ ‘–with-dom-exslt’ ‘–enable-ftp’ ‘–with-gd’ ‘–with-jpeg-dir=/usr/local’ ‘–with-png-dir=/usr’ ‘–with-xpm-dir=/usr/X11R6’ ‘–with-gettext’ ‘–with-imap=/usr/local/imap-2004g’ ‘–enable-magic-quotes’ ‘–with-mysqli’ ‘–with-mysql=/usr’ ‘–enable-discard-path’ ‘–with-pear’ ‘–enable-sockets’ ‘–enable-track-vars’ ‘–with-ttf’ ‘–with-freetype-dir=/usr’ ‘–enable-gd-native-ttf’ ‘–with-xmlrpc’ ‘–with-zlib’
    Server API Apache
    Zend Engine v2.2.0; with Zend Extension Manager v1.2.0; with Zend Optimizer v3.2.2

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