• I have a brand new wordpress installation and trying to install this theme.

    I have created account on kadence also. Only one plugin – Rank Math installed apart from Kadence AI Starter Templates. Nothing happens when I click Next on page after clicking Kadence AI Starter Templates button.

    There is a blank screen if I click “use classic templates”

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  • Thread Starter Manish


    I installed the PHP compatability checker plugin and found these errors.



    Hi @nims,

    Could you please share the errors you’ve mentioned? We haven’t received any error logs yet.

    I tried to replicate the issue on my end, and the starter templates are accessible without any issue. I am using PHP 8.2. Check the screenshot for reference: https://share.zight.com/OAuZ27dG

    Additionally, try the following steps to troubleshoot the issue:

    • Please try clicking the Sync Cloud icon at the top-right of the design library –?https://share.zight.com/d5u2bzEo.?
    • Additionally, try to flush your permalinks by going to?Settings > Permalinks and clicking the Save Changes button?without changing anything.
    • Kindly ask your hosting provider to increase the PHP Configuration limit to the following:

    – the PHP memory limit set to 512MB

    – the max post size bigger or equal to 50MB

    – the WP-memory limit set to 256 MB

    – the max input vars 2500

    – and ideally the max execution time should be around 300

    • There is an error “Permissions Error getting library Content” which means your?Server?might be blocking your connection to our?Library.?Ask them to check if they are allowing external?cURL?calls and that your?PHP?User?has the?Write?Permissions?in the?wp-content?folder?(standard for WordPress installs).
    • In some cases, a third-party?Plugin?Conflict?can also cause this issue. Please try to deactivate all the plugins temporarily except for the?Kadence?Blocks and check it again. You can consider using the?Health Check & Troubleshooting?plugin to check for?Plugin?Conflicts.?https://www.kadencewp.com/kadence-theme/knowledge-base/troubleshooting/temporarily-deactivating-plugins/

    I hope this helps. Let us know if we can assist you further.

    Best Regards,

    Thread Starter Manish


    Sorry the tmp image files were delete automatically after 60 ins. Here are the links to the images mentioned. Total 3 images.



    Hi @nims,

    I’m using PHP 8.2 with the Kadence Starter template without any issues, as shown in the screen recording I shared earlier.

    Could you please confirm if you’ve gone through the troubleshooting steps mentioned previously? If the issue persists after performing those steps and a server check, I recommend submitting a support ticket for a closer look:

    I hope this helps. If you have further questions, please let us know—we’re here to assist you.

    Best regards,

    Thread Starter Manish


    That’s ok. It looks bit complicated. I would rather go with some other theme. Thanks.

    Hi there,

    The troubleshooting steps are necessary to rule out the usual suspects. Most issues are addressed at this level.

    We can understand your decision on going a different route though.

    Please note that you can also submit a support ticket via these channels.

    If you need further assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us again.
    Kind Regards,
    Michael Taro

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