• Howdy… it seems that wordpress sometimes strips video embed and iframe code from posts while I’m composing them. It doesn’t happen all the time… I think it only happens if I “preview” then come back to edit. It may be related to the author’s level of privileges since I haven’t seen it when logged in as admin. Is this a known bug?

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  • This is not a bug, it’s actually a feature. The visual editor is configured to strip javascript, embed code, invalid HTML, etc. It is slightly less strict for admins (or any users with the unfiltered_html capability) than for authors.

    However, ideally, you should use the oEmbed interface to embed YouTube videos instead of using YouTube’s crummy embed code. To use oEmbed, you simply need to make sure the Settings -> Media -> Auto-Embed option is checked in your administration area, then simply insert the URL of the YouTube video.

    Thread Starter nickaster


    Interesting…. it seems to happen even if I’m using the HTML mode, however. I’ll try that auto embed thing.

    Wow… it actually works. I’m impressed! Thanks!

    Moderator Kathryn Presner


    If I may chime in here – Curtiss, do you or does anyone know if there’s a way to get oEmbed to use YouTube’s (and other video sites’) iframe embed code, instead of the object/embed Flash method, which won’t be viewable on iPads/iPhones? I’ve been looking for the best way to do this and tried a few iframe plug-ins today, with not great results. Thanks for any suggestions.

    Moderator Kathryn Presner


    Just discovered a thread with some iframe shortcode solutions that look promising:


    I was under the impression that the default implementation of YouTube’s oEmbed code uses the iFrame now, instead of the embed code. Is it not doing so on your website?

    Moderator Kathryn Presner


    Curtiss – correct, I tried the oEmbed method with a YouTube link and it did not use iframe code, it used the object/embed code. v. 3.0.5.

    I just checked online, and it looks like YouTube has not yet made that the default standard.

    However, you can retrieve iFrame oEmbed code by appending &iframe=1 to the end of the oEmbed URL.

    In order to do that, you probably need to hook into whatever WordPress filter is available when the URI is built, but I’m not sure exactly which filter that is right now. I found the oembed_dataparse filter, but that is run after the oEmbed request has already been made, so we’d have to find a filter that runs before that.

    If I get a chance, and noone else answers the question, I’ll try to take a look at the source code later to see if I can find the right filter.

    Moderator Kathryn Presner


    Thanks so much, Curtiss! I just tested oEmbed again, adding the &iframe=1 query string and it still used the object/embed code, so you’re right – looks like something extra needs to be added. Will be very interested to see if this is possible.

    I looked through the source code and couldn’t really find any good filters to hook onto, unfortunately.

    However, I did find two plugins in the repository that look like they might be helpful. I haven’t used or tested either of them, but they both look promising.

    Moderator Kathryn Presner


    Thanks so much for having a look, Curtiss, I really appreciate it.

    I have tried some YouTube-specific plug-ins and some of them work OK, but I’m hoping to find a solution that will work across all platforms – i.e. to allow Vimeo’s iframes, etc. I was planning on testing this one on Monday:

    TSL iframe unfilter

    Sorry I couldn’t help more.

    FYI, though, the Vimeo oEmbed feature does use iFrame as default, so you don’t need any changes at all to use iFrames with Vimeo.

    Moderator Kathryn Presner


    the Vimeo oEmbed feature does use iFrame as default, so you don’t need any changes at all to use iFrames with Vimeo.

    Great to know – thanks so much!

    Thread Starter nickaster


    Hey… so I just had a Vimeo video disappear when I edited a post. How am I supposed to embed it? Is there a URL method?

    In all honest, this is still a bit of a bug. What if I wanted to put a normal iframe into a post? Just for the hell of it? WP shouldn’t be stripping this stuff!

    Hi Nick,

    You can use it like this ‘[embed width="650"]https://vimeo.com/20797313[/embed]‘

    Semantically putting iframe in a post is not correct so it is like that with WordPress but with shortcodes, one can do anything they want within the post.

    Thread Starter nickaster


    Okay… this is still a bit of a problem because many people will continue to try and use embed codes, or iframes, and then freak out when they disappear. It’s kinda cool that just throwing a URL in there works, but educating people over and over about it gets incredibly tedious.

    Plus, by taking away my power as a publisher to control this stuff, all kinds of annoying problems happen. For example, what if I want to adjust the size of the video? Or center it? With real code I could do that.

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