• Resolved ivan2704


    I have homehow strange problem. On my site I have woocommerce+striper and Wp-Invoice plugins installed. Woocommerce and WP Invoice use Stripe as payment gateway, WooCommerce over Striper plugin, WP Invoice has Stripe integrated. When Striper is enabled I get error on WP Invoice page, but when I disable it everything works.
    I know that WP Invoice isn’t your plugin but do you have any idea why would they be in conflict?
    You can test it here, Stripe is in test mode. Problem is JS error after you enter card data and press Process Payment button.


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  • Plugin Author Sean Voss


    Hey Ivan interesting, WP-Invoice looks like it’s free so I’ll go ahead and download it onto my blog so I can look at it more in depth to see where the problems are conflicting.

    Thread Starter ivan2704


    Yes, it is free. Thank your for your willingness. If you need more info I’m here.

    Plugin Author Sean Voss


    Hey Ivan,

    I’ve diagnosed it but the problem is on their side, I had a problem for my users awhile ago and I solved it like this. The fatal below is caused by this line

    require_once( WPI_Path . '/third-party/stripe/lib/Stripe.php' );
    PHP Fatal error:  Cannot redeclare class Stripe in /var/www/medium/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/wp-invoice/third-party/stripe/lib/Stripe/Stripe.php on line 4,

    In core/gateways/class_wpi_stripe.php wrap with a class exists. You can fix it by protecting if the class exists. You can fix it within “core/gateways/class_wpi_stripe.php” where they have it in three places, or forward it on to their developers.

    if (!class_exists('Stripe')) {
        require_once( WPI_Path . '/third-party/stripe/lib/Stripe.php' );

    Plugin Author Sean Voss


    Also, WooCommerce can send invoices like that as well, and you can use your existing products.

    Thread Starter ivan2704


    Thanks Sean, that was fast. I’m grateful to you for all your help ??

    Hello everyone,

    we are sorry for the issue you have encountered with the WP-Invoice Plugin and its Stripe implementation. The fix for this will be added into the next WP-Invoice plugin release.

    Thank you for pointing.

    (WP-Invoice Team)

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