• Resolved 75cpa


    I got this email from stripe saying this:
    We’re still having trouble sending requests in live mode to a webhook endpoint associated with your account. Stripe sends webhook events to your server to notify you of activity in your Stripe account, such as a completed payout or a newly-created invoice.

    The URL of the failing webhook endpoint is:

    In my stripe account, I see the below error:

      "code": "webhook-error",
      "message": "Invalid signature received. Verify that your webhook secret is correct.",
      "data": {
        "status": 401

    The webhook URL is: https://example.com/wp-json/wc-stripe/v1/webhook and when I visit this URL I get:
    {"code":"rest_no_route","message":"No route was found matching the URL and request method.","data":{"status":404}}

    I run the connection test and it returned: Connection test to Stripe was successful. Mode: live.

    Why do I receive these notifications and how can I correct that?

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  • Plugin Author Payment Plugins


    @75cpa trying to hit a rest endpoint on your browser will never work if it does not respond to the HTTP get method which this URL does not. It only responds to the HTTP post method.

    Based on the error message it looks like your webhook secret has been incorrectly entered into the plug-in settings.

    I recommend you go to the API settings page of the Stripe plug-in and click the create webhook button which will automate this process and remove any human error.

    Thread Starter 75cpa


    When I go to the API settings page of the Stripe plug-in, I see Delete Webhook:
    Webhook created. ID: we_1xdadfedthsjhdfjllrgaxxxG with a green tick
    Shall I delete it and recreate it again?

    Plugin Author Payment Plugins


    Yes but make sure you are deleting and re-creating the webhook that is associated with the environment in which Stripe is having difficulty delivering.

    Their email could be referring to live or test mode.

    Also make sure you don’t have multiple webhooks with the same url configured in your Stripe.com dashboard. It sounds like you might.

    Thread Starter 75cpa


    Yes Sir! You are right. When I visited https://dashboard.stripe.com/webhooks previously, I saw multiple webhooks, and I wondered why. I have used “Delete Webhook” and created that again. All of the old webhooks were deleted, and I currently have one webhook only but when I visit it: https://example.com/wp-json/wc-stripe/v1/webhook
    I get:
    {"code":"rest_no_route","message":"No route was found matching the URL and request method.","data":{"status":404}}
    Is this normal or I should get something else that confirms the webhook is actually working?

    Plugin Author Payment Plugins


    @75cpa Per my previous reply you can’t test the wehook by using your web browser because that is an HTTP GET method.

    Now that you only have one webhook configured it should work. You can easily test the webhook by going to stripe.com and clicking the test mode slider then going to the webhook page and clicking the test webhook button.

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