• Is it possible to disable the section for filling in the “Billing Details” on the credit card checkout page using the Stripe extension?

    I notice if you switch to the Buy Now purchase button when you setup the Download page then the customer is only asked for their credit card details and no billing address. But the problem is that the Buy Now button does not offer the customer the option to pay by PayPal, only by credit card, which limits the customer’s choices for payment.

    Therefore, I would like to be able to do the same thing on the checkout page and remove the Billing Details since the checkout page also gives the customer the option to pay via PayPal.

    Please advise.

    Thank you.


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  • Here is a screen shot from the site I am helping my friend to develop:


    Plugin Contributor Pippin Williamson


    Did you use the exact code from our tutorial or did you modify it?

    Not modified. Just copied and pasted the code into the themes functions.php file at the end of the very end of all the code in the file.

    Plugin Contributor Pippin Williamson


    Here’s an updated copy that should match the display: https://gist.github.com/pippinsplugins/2938978

    Thanks. That works great now. Is there a way to add a star to it and to make it a required field though?

    Plugin Contributor Pippin Williamson


    Add a class of required to it and then `<span class=”required-indicator”>*</span> after the label.

    Thanks. I added this. Obviously not right:

    <label class=”edd-label” for=”edd-email-confirm”><?php _e(‘Confirm Your Email Address’, ‘edd’); ?></label> `<span class=”required-indicator”>*</span>
    <input class=”edd-input required” type=”email” name=”edd_email_confirm” placeholder=”<?php _e(‘Confirm email address’, ‘edd’); ?>” id=”edd-emai-confirml” class= “edd-emai-confirml required” value=””/>

    Plugin Contributor Pippin Williamson


    Here’s an example of the structure it should follow:

    <p id="edd-card-number-wrap">
    	<label for="card_number" class="edd-label">
    		<?php _e( 'Card Number', 'edd' ); ?>
    		<span class="edd-required-indicator">*</span>
    		<span class="card-type"></span>
    	<span class="edd-description"><?php _e( 'The (typically) 16 digits on the front of your credit card.', 'edd' ); ?></span>
    	<input type="text" autocomplete="off" name="card_number" id="card_number" class="card-number edd-input required" placeholder="<?php _e( 'Card number', 'edd' ); ?>" />

    Sorry, the class is edd-required-indicator.

    Thanks. I am afraid that doesn’t really help. I will just use the code you already amended which doesn’t add the star next to the field description and which doesn’t make it a required field.

    Plugin Contributor Pippin Williamson


    Ah, you’re right. You will have to add a condition for it in the PHP. See this doc: https://docs.easydigitaldownloads.com/article/256-modifying-the-required-checkout-fields

    Thanks. This is what I have now including the new code you provided and the code I took and edited from the above link your provided:

    function pw_edd_add_email_confirmation() {
    <label class=”edd-label” for=”edd-email-confirm”><?php _e(‘Confirm Your Email Address’, ‘edd’); ?></label>
    <input class=”edd-input required” type=”email” name=”edd_email_confirm” placeholder=”<?php _e(‘Confirm email address’, ‘edd’); ?>” id=”edd-emai-confirml” value=””/>
    add_action(‘edd_purchase_form_after_email’, ‘pw_edd_add_email_confirmation’);

    function pw_edd_process_email_confirmation($valid_data, $data) {
    if( !isset($data[‘edd_email_confirm’] ) || !is_email( $data[‘edd_email_confirm’] ) ) {
    edd_set_error( ’email_confirmation_required’, __( ‘Please confirm your email’, ‘edd’ ) );
    if( trim( $data[‘edd_email_confirm’] ) != trim( $data[‘edd_email’] ) ) {
    edd_set_error( ’email_confirmation_required’, __( ‘Your email addresses do not match’, ‘edd’ ) );
    add_action(‘edd_checkout_error_checks’, ‘pw_edd_process_email_confirmation’, 10, 2);

    function pw_edd_purchase_form_required_fields( $required_fields ) {

    $required_fields[‘edd_email_confirm’] = array(
    ‘error_id’ => ’email_confirmation_required’,
    ‘error_message’ => __( ‘Please confirm your email address.’, ‘edd’ )

    return $required_fields;
    add_filter( ‘edd_purchase_form_required_fields’, ‘pw_edd_purchase_form_required_fields’ );

    I am not sure if the field and error ID I put in to modify the part of the code that came from the above link are correct, but they would seem correct.

    Anyway, I just tested it on the site, nothing has changed, it is still not a starred (required) field, but I tried to do a checkout without confirming the email address and I got an error messages which says: “Error: Your email addresses do not match”.

    That error message is taken from the first part of the code you provided and which is fine because it proves that your code is already working to make it a required field.

    So for now I am going to take out the part of the code that I added using the above link because it doesn’t seem to be doing anything more.

    The only thing missing is the star to let customers know it is a required field though. Perhaps there is a way to add something to your original code to add the star.

    I also edited your error message slightly to read:

    “Your email addresses do not match. Please reconfirm your email addresses.”

    Plugin Contributor Pippin Williamson


    Please post your complete code to snippi.com so I can read it easier. Thanks.

    Ok, how is this?


    Plugin Contributor Pippin Williamson


    I’m sorry, I just realized I missed your reply!

    Are you still needing assistance with this?

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