• Hello,
    First off i am new to the webpage building thing. I have really no experience with html.
    So in saying that i am looking to make my blog look like a webpage. I am looking to put all page links along the left sidebar. I dont want the header to have anything in it but the title and description. I am trying to take the page links out of the header.


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  • Hi kwillsky60,

    You have not really gave an example or a link for your blog. It’ll be easier to provide you a solution then.

    sourav b

    Oh yes. I have not noticed the theme. Sorry.

    You may follow these steps to add a customized menu on the left sidebar and remove the menu from header (no html/php coding required. Just a single line of CSS will do. Cheers :))

    1. Go to Appearance > Menu and create a new menu.
    2. Add all your pages to the menu.
    3. Next go to Appearence > Widgets and find the “Custom Menu” widget.
    4. Drag and drop the custom menu widget on your sidebar. On expanding the “Custom Menu” widget you will find “Select Menu” field where you have to select the name of the menu you just created in Step 1 and 2.
    5. Add this custom css line.
    #access {display: none;}
    6. Boom. Its done. ??

    sourav b

    Thanks Souravb, that’s great advice. I would follow these steps kwillsky60, that’s the easiest way to get what you are looking for.

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