• Resolved Tim Hupkes


    Hi everybody,

    I got such great help last time I was here that I feel like asking something else, that I just can’t seem to fix. ??

    As far as I know, I deleted my left bar (theme twenty fourteen). However there is this (quite narrow) white bar on the left, right over my background image. Same goes for the menu bar: it’s white. (This white left bar doesn’t show on an ipad, where the website is moved to the left a bit or so it seems)

    Now I have tried to make both transparent. It doesn’t work. I inspected the element of the white left bar but I somehow can’t figure out what it is.

    Does anyone know how I can either remove this ‘left bar’ or get it to be transparant? And how I can make the menu bar transparent..?

    My website is https://www.tim983.nl

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  • Peninah


    Try this–
    Add to child theme:

    .site:before {
    background: transparent;

    or display: none;

    for the menu–

    .site-header {
    background: transparent;

    although it makes it hard to read the menu…you might want to add the background to the links only.



    Oh. And fun background ??

    Thread Starter Tim Hupkes


    @peninah: thanks for your help, I’m going to try this. And thanks for the compliment! ??

    Thread Starter Tim Hupkes


    I tried the codes but they didn’t work. As far as the menu bar goes, I don’t understand that much (I guess I somewhere put a code to counteract it…? ?? ) But the left bar, when I checked, wasn’t so much a white bar as the edge of the website… So I guess my next question is: is there a way to have this left side participate in the website?

    @peninah, you’re right. A transparant menu bar would make the menu hard to read. When the transparancy works, I will follow your advice and color up the background of the menu items slightly. Thanks!

    Thread Starter Tim Hupkes


    I’m sorry, I’m being a bit of an idiot. Yes, there IS a white bar. When I go to the left, the background image does appear left of it. So my original question stands…


    For some reason you’ve got an inline CSS in your theme. Although it’s not against any rules it certainly isn’t an elegant solution and that’s probably why you coudn’t find what’s wrong. So the solution:

    in your main CSS file try to add #secondary {background:none!important;}

    notice the !important flag – you should never use it but sometimes it becomes necessary, it should let you override the inline css declarations.

    However, if it doesn’t work, check out you themes header.php, I suppose that’s where the additional styles are defined (it looks so in the page source). Then at the top of that CSS block add #secondary {background:none;} – this time the !important flag shouldn’t be necessary.

    Hope that helps, let mi know please.

    Thread Starter Tim Hupkes


    Hi Adam,

    Thanks for your help! Unfortunately it didn’t work. You are right though; I kinda messed up (being a newbie and all…) Meanwhile I have deleted a lot of obsolete codes – copied them first in case it was something I couldn’t miss – and I believe it’s a bit cleaner now.

    Meanwhile I have yet another question, I should probably start a whole new discussion for that one. It’s about Slideshow plugin: the title of the pictures appear below if I hover on a pic, but right through it you can see the dots that show how many slides there are. It’s not completely esthetic…

    Thread Starter Tim Hupkes


    Thanks @adam and @peninah. I tried your solutions one more time to make sure, but unfortunately they didn’t do the trick.

    So I checked again and what strikes me: the left bar goes all the way to the top, is it even an ordinairy left side bar..?

    If anyone has anything else I can try, I’d be grateful!

    I tried to follow an instruction on youtube (remove left side bar and center site, twenty fourteen). That didn’t work at all. Functions.php went all weird on me. I’m beginning to wonder if I somehow created a Frankenstein monster… ??


    Strange indeed. My solution worked for me while I was testing your site with Firebug. Yet, now it doesn’t seem to work anymore. Something is in fact a little messed-up. I’ll try to look into it again and’ll let you know.

    Thread Starter Tim Hupkes


    Hello everyone,

    I found the answer here:

    Just posting it, for anyone who did the same I did (and made it actually impossible to help me), namely: remove the left side bar and be left with a silly white space. ??

    Thread Starter Tim Hupkes


    @adam: sorry, I didn’t see you’d reacted. I am glad you’re helping, that’s great in itself! ?? And like I said above: I made it kinda impossible to be helped (I was beyond help, haha)

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