Hi @denisebi,
In regards to the path problem, I’ve actually come across this issue with NextGEN myself. I believe the problem is that upon installation, NextGEN 2.0.xx persists the full URL paths for lightbox scripts and styles to the database, without any checks to update these paths should the domain, subdomain or directory structure change in the future. This is common when moving your site from a development environment to a production server, but can, as you’ve experienced, occur anytime the paths are changed.
I had thought this was fixed in V2.0.57 (03.05.2014)…
Changelog: “Fixed: Lightboxes storing absolute paths for static resources”
But I guess not.
Additionally, I’m aware of caching issues that prevent you from manually updating these paths (and even the lightbox selection) in the admin, just as you experienced.
Fix 1:
From your source code, you still appear to be using NextGEN 2.0…
NextGEN 2.0 has been rewritten from scratch with an entirely different architecture, and is for the most part a completely different plugin from the original codebase Optimizer was written for (ie. not compatible).
I’ve been hard at work rewriting Optimizer for NextGEN v2.0 (including backwards compatibility for the original codebase), and am now in the final testing stages. If you require NextGEN optimization in the meantime however, I would recommend rolling-back to the latest version of the original codebase (v1.9.13), which is also currently faster and more stable.
You can find the download at the following link…
And here’s a good step-by-step guide…
Important note: You’ll want to make sure you backup your entire database and gallery folder before reverting.
Fix 2:
Alternatively, if you’re unsure about rolling back, and just want to get Optimizer’s Fancybox lightbox working, I’ve written the following code block which should make it compatible with NextGEN 2.0.xx and get you up and running. There won’t be any optimization of scripts and styles for 2.0, but at least you’ll have your lightbox back.
At the top of “nextgen-optimizer-scripts-and-styles.php”, simply replace the “fancybox inline js” section with the following block…
* fancybox inline js
function nggo_fancybox_inline_js() { ?>
<!-- [nextgen gallery optimizer v<?php echo NGGO_VERSION; ?>] This page must contain a nextgen shortcode...else we wouldn't be serving its scripts and styles -->
<script type='text/javascript'>jQuery.noConflict(); jQuery(document).ready(function() { var $a = jQuery( '.ngg-gallery-thumbnail a' ); $a.removeClass(); $a.addClass( 'myfancybox' ); $a.find( '[rel]' ).remove(); $a.attr( 'rel', 'set1' ); jQuery('a.myfancybox').fancybox({ 'zoomSpeedIn':500, 'zoomSpeedOut':500, 'overlayShow':true, 'overlayOpacity':0.3 });});</script>
#fancybox-wrap, #fancybox-content {
box-sizing: content-box !important;
-moz-box-sizing: content-box !important;
-webkit-box-sizing: content-box !important;
The above code also contains a Fancybox CSS fix (already included in the next version of Optimizer) that will correct the lightbox display for themes (such as yours) that contain global box-sizing attributes.
I hope this helps!