• cowboy Mike


    Howdy folks,

    This morning I got a strange email from google. I went to my hosting tech support and they stated that my IP was on an RBL list and requested I be removed from the list. They said the offending file was: “/usr/local/cpanel/whostmgr/docroot/cgi/softaculous/enduser/main/functions/mail_functions.php”

    On further checking they were able to see the mail_functions.php file permission was set to be 755, but it should be 644. They have corrected the permission to 644. The issue was may be due to the execution permission on the file. Further they have cleared the mail queue and verified that the server is free from sending any spam mails. They said I have nothing to worry about now.

    My concern is I dont know why the file permission was incorrect. I have not changed anything. Could a wordpress plugin do this?

    The google email I got was the following:

    Email subject : Warning: message 1YlEQl-0005rr-N8 delayed 24 hours

    Content in body of email:

    This message was created automatically by mail delivery software.
    A message that you sent has not yet been delivered to one or more of its
    recipients after more than 24 hours on the queue on server1.hibiscusbythebay.com.

    The message identifier is: 1YlEQl-0005rr-N8
    The subject of the message is: =?UTF-8?B?U29mdHdhcmUgVXBkYXRlcyAoc2VydmVyMS5oaWJpc2N1c2J5dGhlYmF5LmNvbSk=?=
    The date of the message is: Thu, 23 Apr 2015 05:32:27 -0500

    The address to which the message has not yet been delivered is:

    [email protected]
    host alt2.gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com []
    Delay reason: SMTP error from remote mail server after end of data:
    421-4.7.0 [ 15] Our system has detected an unusual rate of
    421-4.7.0 unsolicited mail originating from your IP address. To protect our
    421-4.7.0 users from spam, mail sent from your IP address has been temporarily
    421-4.7.0 rate limited. Please visit
    421-4.7.0 https://www.google.com/mail/help/bulk_mail.html to review our Bulk
    421 4.7.0 Email Senders Guidelines. 139si6357545yks.148 – gsmtp

    No action is required on your part. Delivery attempts will continue for
    some time, and this warning may be repeated at intervals if the message
    remains undelivered. Eventually the mail delivery software will give up,
    and when that happens, the message will be returned to you.

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  • wordpress plugin coudnt have modified a file under softaculous folder.

    what was nature of emails? were they spammy? you might want to scan your server/wp files and see if you havent been hacked.

    check following article if you suspect so.

    These two things are not related.

    If a file is given execute permissions (that’s what 755 is), it just means it can be run from the command line. Normally PHP files have permission 644 (read, not run) which means they need an interpreter to run (ie. PHP, through Apache). But then the same file can be executed just as easily by typing ‘php’ in front of it, or by triggering it from a web browser.

    755 isn’t causing your spam problem.

    My concern would be why your site is sending spam in the first place; if you’ve installed any “illicitly obtained” premium plugins or themes, delete them. Check your registered users to make sure no unknown users have been created.

    Changing your password wouldn’t hurt, and if you’re logging in to your WordPress server throught HTTP instead of HTTPS, or logging into an FTP site on port 21, DON’T. Those things broadcast your password in the clear.

    Do you recognize the content of the spammy mail? Maybe it was sent through your own contact form or comment area. Consider installing an anti-spam plugin or two.

    Thread Starter cowboy Mike


    Thank you so much for the kind help.

    I never got to see any of the emails. My host deleted them all (386) from the mail queue.

    I have no new users. Its just little ol’ me.

    I have 2 live sites and 1 site that is in development so not visible to the outside world.

    When I ftp in I do it over sftp. Is that ok?

    I do login to the wp admin through http though and to my knowledge I dont have an ssl cert as part of the hosting account. Its a VPS with tmzvps.com.

    I use VERY strong passwords.

    I have captcha on all the forms.

    Please let me now your thoughts.

    My host didnt seem too concerned. I am because I do not know what caused the incident.

    Do you think I should contact an outfit like Sucuri?

    Thank you for your time and consideration.
    Mike Foate

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