• Not all the time, but often, my summary will show a description like, “__reach_config = { pid: \’4f21a528396cef5c25000411\’, title: \’Pinterest – Is Your Business Sending The Right Message?\’, tags: [\”

    Looking at source, here’s what I see (and this line is in red):
    <meta name=”twitter:description” value=”__reach_config = { pid: \’4f21a528396cef5c25000411\’, title: \’Pinterest – Is Your Business Sending The Right Message?\’, tags: [\”Business\”,\”Pinterest\”,\”Social network\”,\”Twitter\”], […]”/>

    The blog post in question.

    That funky code “__reach_config = { pid: \’4f21a528396cef5c25000411” is the same no matter what post you look at.


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