• Hello,
    I install the last update and there are some strange change.
    The menu-primary loose the flex parameter and appear only vertical.
    (resolved by #menu-primary { display:flex;} in child css )
    The contact section have the same problem but here it’s a problem in the theme
    we need a div between contact title and div ctn-wrapper …

    Indeed sweet change with colors .

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  • Thread Starter khahina


    Another point, didn’t you modified the place of the differents sections ?
    Skill section seem at the end … i don’t remember this …

    Thread Starter khahina


    Sorry not skills, products section

    Thread Starter khahina


    And where i change the product section text under title (not product description)

    Thread Starter khahina


    And sticky bar is sticky but not over all image or text.
    i added in child css this to resolve #tm-headermenu-section-sticky-wrapper, .head-bar {z-index:99999;}

    Hello there,

    Thank you for writing to us!!

    Our sincere apology for the inconvenience caused. But with this update we have modified our theme in huge thus along with some layout changes, option in customize are also changed.
    Hope you understand.


    Thread Starter khahina


    I understand but there are some bug in.

    -The menu-primary loose the flex parameter and appear only vertical.
    -And where i change the product section text under title (not product description) (=>write directly in the thema php)
    – sticky bar is sticky but not over all image or text.
    i added in child css this to resolve #tm-headermenu-section-sticky-wrapper, .head-bar {z-index:99999;}

    Nice Post

    Hello khahina,

    Thank you for your useful post and much appreciated. Regarding description text for product section we have manged it from customizer field in same section. So please update theme.


    Thread Starter khahina


    sorry for later report, i’m a bit overbook.

    ok for product description (just in admin part, when you change product section description, the thema overview change the featured products descriptions, not in front-end, but it’s a bit perturbant for admin)

    New problem : i let the footer contact mapwidget empty (don’t want it), but a default map appear (same think when i put a google map in this footer contact map widget), and recover my social contact section ??

    Have a good time

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