• I saw a year or so ago you posted on StoreStacker and WP install. The thread is closed, but I have been trying to find out more about this product. I have seen videos from 2008 and numerous posts that it and BANS were thrown out of Google Seaches. Then I found a couple videos from late 2010 still selling the product. Was wondering a couple things.
    1) can it be used with a wp site
    2) if so, is it easy to use
    3) most importantly, does google kick it out of searches or does the use of StoreStacker inhibit your web site in any way?
    4) If it is “history”, then is there a new product that is accepted in today’s web?

    The videos really make a good sales pitch, but the fact that there is limited reviews for 3 years indicates it is – let’s say not to be used going forward. (I know this is not the subject you were replying to, but your post was the only one I thought I could trust).
    Thank you. Tim


    This is the post thread. The question is more about StoreStacker than anything. What is your take/experience with that system?

    Thank you for your quick response.


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  • Hi Tim,

    I’m flattered that you think mine was the trustworthy post but I’m not sure what I said to make you think that I know much about StoreStacker. I’ll give you what I can though.

    1) It may take some work. If you look at that now closed thread it seems that StoreStacker’s .htaceess rules do not play nice with WordPress. You may be able to tweak them but that would take some effort. YOu will probably be better off installing them isolated in separate directories and 1) operating them independently or 2) try to treat StoreStacker as a kind of API that code in WordPress template files can use. I don’t know how hard that will be or if it violates anyone’s terms of use.

    2) I’ve never used it, but it seems to provide a CMS of its own– possibly why it doesn’t play nice with WP. Presumably, though, it is at least tolerably easy to use. A fair number of people seem to love it.

    3) This is purely third-part information but “StoreStacker can add thousands of pages of content to a site and tons of low-fruit, product-based keywords.” That means that it is, as the same author describes it, an automatic content generator. That could theoretically be a problem, but if you read the relevant Google Webmaster page I’d say that it probably won’t be. Google cares about manipulating search results and I don’t think StoreStacker is in any way attempting that. It also depends a lot on how the content is generated and I don’t have any experience with that. Mostly, I think you should be fine on this point.

    4) I don’t think anybody really knows how to do this yet. All bets are off.

    Thread Starter Tim the wp-user


    Again, thank you for the quick response. And I apologize for posting in the wrong area. As a new wp user, and someone who knows very little about blogs/posting, I had not idea on how to get a message to you except by finding another of your posts. I thought you said to start a new post and link there, but I reread and that is not what you said. Took me sometime to find out how to start a thread, so again, I apologize and was not trying to hi-jack your thread.

    All that said, I went to the site you highlighted and again that is a few years old, so I just don’t get why if it IS a program that has value, that there aren’t any recent posts about it.

    I really like the concept at least to get started, but have this feeling that it just doesn’t “something” good! I guess if it were a program of value, then it would be up there on the charts – wouldn’t it? As far as tweaking the script, don’t think that is me!

    I thank you for your time and responses and unless someone posts with other knowledge on this product, I think I will just let it go.

    Thank you again for your help.

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