Hi @mnatseah624,
That’s a great question. Unfortunately, there isn’t a “first-word” selector in CSS that we could use to style the words differently. Also in the site title, there isn’t a way to add HTML markup that we could use to style it. If that was possible we could just add a <span></span>
around one of the words and use that to change the font-weight.
That leaves us two options. You could create an image logo in a tool like Photoshop and style the words individually. That’s the best way to have the greatest control over your site’s title.
The second option is to use a bit of JavaScript to add the HTML markup for styling the logo differently. To add it, you can use a plugin like Simple Custom CSS and JS. Then add this JavaScript:
jQuery('.site-title a').each(function() {
var word = jQuery(this).html();
var index = word.indexOf(' ');
if(index == -1) {
index = word.length;
jQuery(this).html('<span class="first-word">' + word.substring(0, index) + '</span>' + word.substring(index, word.length));
Then you’ll need to add this to the Additional CSS:
.site-branding .site-title a {
font-weight: 400;
span.first-word {
font-weight: 700;
When I applied that to the site, I ended up with this:

If you want the bold/regular reversed, you would swap the font weights in that last snippet.
Take care,