I apply your recent code but not working, unfortunately.
Here are 2 screenshots of the footers: widget footer & copyright footer. If you can see the line which separates them.
The first screenshot is the native storefront footers without modifications at all.
The second screenshot I used the following code to reduce the copyright footer and works well:
.site-footer {
padding: 0.5em 0 0.7em !important;
.site-info {
padding: 0.5em 0 !important;
You see the result on screeshot2 UNLESS the copyright is not FULLY centered in the footer box. It’s centered in the width but not in the Height. I used your code given above for centering.
For the widget footer, I think a reduce by -40% up to 45% will fit the contents.
Then the issues now are:
1/ to reduce the footer widget by -40% up to 45%
2/ to center the copyright in the Height of the footer copyright box.
Many thanks for the help.